
XMLForm (CocoonHive) / News: Recent posts

XMLForm 0.9.12 released

This is a minor, bug fix release.

Change log:
- Cleaned up wizard xml files (removed unused id attr)
- XMLFormTransformerHandler: implemented startPrefixMapping/endPrefixMapping around top level XMLForm elements

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-25

XMLForm 0.9.11 released

This release adds new features, tests and docs.

From the changelog:
- Created Ant build script
- Implemented resubmit control. As per
- Added unit tests for resubmit control
- Added performance stats doc

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-19

XMLForm Performance Metrics

Accurate performance metrics for web applications is a very complex matter.
The following JMeter test suite is by no means a normative reference, but it
gives an idea of the XMLForm performance. It walks through the Feedback
Wizard demo and touches on most aspects of a real world web application:
processing request parameters, data validation, workflow logic and page
When run with 10 concurrent threads on a 1GHz Athlon CPU / 640MB RAM,
against JBoss 2.4/Tomcat 4.0/JDK 1.4 hosted on the same box, it yields the
following numbers:
Without server side XSLT transformation, the average page response time is
With server side XSLT transformation, the average page response time is
250ms.... read more

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-17

XMLForm 0.9.9 released

This is a significant performance improvement release.
Introduces a more sophisticated and performant XML processing solution, while preserving simplicity.
Also generalizes the user-agent support for XSLT detection by exposing web context parameters.

XMLForm is a standalone servlet toolkit inspired by Apache Struts / JavaServer Faces and W3C XForms. The toolkit is derived from Apache Cocoon. XMLForm uses W3C XForms based markup and automated server-side binding to JavaBeans, XML/DOM, JDOM and DynaBeans data models. The homepage for this project is itself written in XMLForm. ... read more

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-14

News at

Vic Cekvenich <> submitted a news item.
You can follow the discussion at this link:

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-09

XMLForm 0.9.7 released

This is a minor maintanance release. Improves error handling and reporting as well as site docs.

XMLForm is a standalone servlet toolkit inspired by Apache Struts / JavaServer Faces and W3C XForms. The toolkit is derived from Apache Cocoon. XMLForm uses W3C XForms based markup and automated server-side binding to JavaBeans, XML/DOM, JDOM and DynaBeans data models. The homepage for this project is itself written in XMLForm. ... read more

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-09

XMLForm 0.9.5 released

This release features a new home site powered by XMLForm itself. Demonstrates site navigation and smart content feed. Additionally there are some minor improvements in the XMLProcessorServlet and ground work for integration with Jakarta Commons Validator.
The total size of the toolkit is still around 500K including dependency libraries and will hopefully stay that low longer. read more

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-05

XMLForm 0.9.3 released

This new version brings up to date the UI & Form control syntax to match the latest XForms Candidate Release.

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-04-01

What's in XMLForm 1.1? Call for discussion.

XMLForm has been stable for over 6 moths running and it has acquired a solid user base.
It is time to start work on the next version.
Primary goal will be compliance with the XForms CR syntax.
A topic which calls for a debate is what, if any, other XForms features in addition to form controls should be added to XMLForm without sacrificing performance. Triggers, computations and validation are possible candidates. What do you think?... read more

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-03-31

XMLForm standalone servlet toolkit released

This is a standalone servlet toolkit originally inspired by Apache Struts and W3C XForms.
The toolkit is derived from Apache Cocoon and a best effort will be made to maintain the features in sync with the Cocoon module.
Visit the project home page for more exciting information:

Posted by Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov 2003-03-31