
mod_aspdotnet / News: Recent posts

Windows 2008, Visual Studio 2008, and Intel x86_64

Last week was spent at Microsoft's Windows Server 2008 Application Lab in Redmond. Although I was there for the Apache Software Foundation, mostly reviewing the httpd and apr portability, I was able to sneak in a bit of work with mod_aspdotnet2.

Although it's not finished, programmers are invited to try checking it out and building it for themselves. After a couple of existing warts and wrinkles documented in the bug tracker are resolved, this will be rolled out sometime in March. If you want an early peek, svn checkout the following tree;... read more

Posted by William A. Rowe, Jr. 2008-03-03

Build 2006 Released

The first sourceforge-based build is available,
published last month. HOWEVER on 4-4-2007 the msi
binary installer for Apache 2.2 was updated due to
a major packaging flaw (it carried the 2.0 module
and installed to an Apache 2.0 install dir.)

Sorry that one slipped by, both the Apache 2.0 and
Apache 2.2 installers are now available!

Posted by William A. Rowe, Jr. 2007-04-05

Inception and Progress

Covalent Technologies is pleased to announce they are adopting mod_aspdotnet once again. Created by Covalent in 2002, the project was open sourced in 2004 at the Apache Software Foundation. Since then, there were not sufficient Windows/.NET users to sustain the effort at that home, so Covalent has moved development of the module to it's new home here at Sourceforge.

The project, while sponsored by Covalent and hosted by Sourceforge, will continue to operate under the same principals as httpd development. The license will remain ASL 2.0.... read more

Posted by William A. Rowe, Jr. 2006-09-07