
Willowgarden / News: Recent posts

It's here! Download Developer Preview 2 now!

I'm so excited and pleased to bring you the hot-off-the-press release of Developer Preview 2. It's been a long time coming, but I think you'll find it was worth it. There's far too much new to discuss here, but check out Jared's blog at for continuing information over the coming weeks.

Thanks and have fun with DP2!

Posted by Jared White 2006-09-08

Developer Preview 2 is on the way

Greetings! Welcome to the new Willowgarden project site on We're hard at work on the official release of Developer Preview 2, but in the meantime we invite you to explore the latest code in Subversion and see what we've been up to. PLEASE READ this intro post about the SVN code:

If you have any other questions, please visit our forums at: read more

Posted by Jared White 2006-08-21