
JYaml / News: Recent posts

JYaml 1.3 Released

RELEASE NOTES for JYaml 1.3:
Summary: |
Still maintaining.
Bugs closed:
- Encoder now puts quotes around asterisk (*)and ampersand(&)
- fix for escaping of quotes (")
- opened up the scope of fields in Wrapper class to protected
- Fixed unescaping: only escaped characters inside double quoted strings are unescaped during parser
- Fixed weird bug due to unhandled \r\n for dos style line breaks in the parser
- Fixed bug where extra invalid content after a valid YAML document is ignored, this was very confusing because invalid documents were parsered successfully with unexpected results.

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-08-19

Maven2 Repo for JYaml

A Maven2 Repository has been set up for JYaml due to popular demand. I have also put in a request to mirror it in the offical Maven Repository.

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-08-17

JYaml 1.2 Released

Maintenance release. Fixes the loading of jyaml.yml config file.

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-07-17

JYaml 1.1 Released

RELEASE NOTES for JYaml 1.1:
Summary: |
This is another maintenance release.
Bugs closed:
- 1744231: problem with one line map declarations
- Unicode bug with String dump or load
Accepted patches:
1746674: YamlEncoder "canonical" patch

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-07-05

YAML4Spring and YAML4DbUnit is out

YAML4Spring is a plugin for the Spring Framework that lets you write your configuration files in YAML. YAML4DbUnit is a plugin for DbUnit that lets you write your data set files in YAML.

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-06-13

JYaml 1.0 final released

RELEASE NOTES for JYaml 1.0:
Summary: |
This is a maintenance release. I have resolved the bugs/features/patches as listed
below by various contributers. I am sorry to all of you for neglecting this project for
almost a year, and letting the list of bugs pile up. Now that I am more familar with
the sourceforge bug tracker I will keep maintain it better in the future. In addition,
I have re-architected the structure of JYaml a bit, introducing the notion of Wrappers,
allowing easy plugins to be written to handle YAML-ization of custom Java objects. You can
now write a wrappers and then simply specify them in the config file and they will be loaded
as needed. Another highlight is the addition of I18N support. Large file support is
now better, although I am not sure it works for all cases.... read more

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2007-06-08

Jyaml 1.0 beta 3 Released

Release Notes:
Change Log:
- fix for quote-in-quote and backslash-in-quote bugs
- fix for zero length array and null values in arrays
- added transfer mapping feature
- added configuration file feature
- a lot of refactoring/renaming (all references to Yml are changed to Yaml)
- support for encoding and decoding File object(thanks to Bryan)
- |
Java 1.4 support has been tested using Retrotranslator. I've compiled a 1.4
version of the Jyaml library and you need to include the Retrotranslator jars
(retrotranslator-runtime-n.n.n.jar, and backport-util-concurrent.jar) with your
runtime to use it. Go to to get them.
Known Issues:
- non-ascii charactors : Jyaml does not yet support these
- |
large documents: Jyaml currently has an upper limit for document size(not
file size) in the vicinity of 120k... read more

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2006-02-26

JYaml beta 2.2 Released

For this minor release I've added
* a few more array bug fixes
* better Date handling
* slightly better error messages
* support for java 5 enums
* fix for infinite loop bug when there are cycles

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2006-01-08

beta 2.1

One more fix! Non-existent field won't error out on List fields/properties now.

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2005-12-23

Jyaml 1.0 beta 2 Released

Bug fixes! I have made the following enhancement/fixes for the beta-2 release:
* fixed bug with negative numbers
* multi-dimensional arrays
* public fields
* return Lists, not first object
* don't output HashMap and ArrayList
* warn on non-existent fields/properties


Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2005-12-22

Jyaml 1.0 beta Released

I have released Jyaml - a Java library (loader/dumper) for Yaml,
continuing the work of Rolf Veen.

JYaml currently supports the serialization and deserialization of the
following types of Java objects:

* Primitives and respective wrapper classes
* JavaBean compliant objects (from mappings)
* Collection (from sequences)
o List
o Set
* Map (from mappings)
* Arrays (from sequences)
* BigInteger and BigDecimal
* Date... read more

Posted by Yu Cheung Ho 2005-12-15