
Classpath Helper / News: Recent posts

Classpath Helper project announces GA Release 1.2.8

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.2.8 release of Classpath Helper

Classpath Helper is an Eclipse based tool that visually depicts many common errors encountered in ClassLoading. Included are showing of obscured (or blocked) classes, Classes that cannot load due to unresolved referenecs, as well as direct dependencies and referenecs between jars. It can even be used to determine unreferenced jars and classes. ... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2008-04-07

BugFix Release 1.2.8 Made Available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the beta release of 1.2.8, which includes fixes for running on Linux.

The fixed item in this release manifested itself by jars from eclipse projects not showing up on the classpath.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2008-03-14

Classpath Helper project announces GA Release 1.2.7

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.2.7 release of Classpath Helper

Classpath Helper is an Eclipse based tool that visually depicts many common errors encountered in ClassLoading. Included are showing of obscured (or blocked) classes, Classes that cannot load due to unresolved referenecs, as well as direct dependencies and referenecs between jars. It can even be used to determine unreferenced jars and classes. ... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2007-06-11

GA Release Candidate 1.2.7 Made Available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the Beta release of version 1.2.7. Which will be a GA candidate.

This release includes the updated help describing the "Not on Classpath View".

It also includes Linux related bug fixes and some other minor fixes.

As this is a GA candidate, now is a great time to let me know if you see any bugs that need to be fixed.

If no bugs are submitted this beta will go GA.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2007-05-30

GA Release Candidate 1.2.6 Made Available

The Classpath Helper project is please to announce the Beta release of version 1.2.6. Which will be a GA candidate.

The feature added in 1.2.6 Was the completion of the Not on the Classpath view. This view allows you browse classes and jars not on your classpath.

These jars are found by various browsing strategies which can be configured on the Classpath Helper preferences page.

The default is to look for jars not on the Classpath but relative to the currently selected JavaProject.... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2007-04-21

Milestone Release 1.2.5 made available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce Milestone release 1.2.5. This release contains the addition of a "Show Only..." filter where the filter can either show just classes or just resources.

There should be a fairly quick follow up release to this which will complete the features targetted for release 1.2 going GA.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2007-04-09

Milestone Release 1.2.4 made available

Miletsone Release 1.2.4 has been made available. 1.2.4 is basically a re-release of 1.2.3 with some plug-in manifest issues corrected.

These issues lead to the new views and models not being visible.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2007-02-26

Milestone Release 1.2.3 made available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.2.3 miletone release of Classpath Helper plug-ins for Eclipse.

This release includes an initial implementation of the "Not on Classpath" view which can be used to locate classes that are not on the class path.

There are also changes to perform more work with Eclipse's job scheduler for better responsiveness.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-11-27

Milestone Release 1.2.2 made available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.2.2 miletone release of Classpath Helper plug-ins for Eclipse.

This release includes the updated help files describing usage of the Packages View.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-11-15

Milestone Release 1.2.1 made available

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.2.1 miletone release of Classpath Helper plug-ins for Eclipse.

This release includes fixes for working better with Eclipse on Unix as well as the initial implementation of the Packages View which allows browsing the Classpath from a package perspective. This is helpful in cases where you don't know the location of a class or file.

This view will also serve as the basis of the next feature, which will be the ability to browse classes in jars not yet on the classpath.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-10-16

Classpath Helper Project announces bugfix release 1.1.7

Release Candidate 1.1.7 contains a major bug fix surrounding how Classpath Helper iterated over file folders.

If Classpath Helper encountered an empty directory it would stop iterating, effectively filtering out any remaining directories.

This would appear as missing file directories.

This bug did not effect jar contents viewing.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-06-25

Classpath Helper Project announces release 1.1

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.1 GA release (1.1.6) of Classpath Helper

Classpath Helper is an Eclipse based tool that visually depicts many common errors encountered in ClassLoading. Included are showing of obscured (or blocked) classes, Classes that cannot load due to unresolved referenecs, as well as direct dependencies and referenecs between jars. It can even be used to determine unreferenced jars and classes. ... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-05-07

Release Candidate 1.1.6 made available

Release Candidate 1.1.6 contains documentation as well as cosmetic changes prior to the GA release of 1.1.

If no bugs are submitted against this release it will soon be moved to the GA branch as the 1.1 official release.

Any suggestions for the 1.2 features should be submitted at this time.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-04-23

Milestone Release 1.1.5 made available

Milestone release 1.1.5 is designed to allow users to specify some classes, packages, etc as known to be unresolved.

This allows the user to eliminate the red Xs when a class is known to be non available.

This feature was added in response to a user request.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-03-26

Milestone Release 1.1.4 made available

Milestone release designed to address request to not show files under the META-INF directory has being blocked.

1.1.4 introduces the ability to supply patterns for indicating that some directories/files should not calculate blocked files.

Resources that are loaded via ClassLoader.findResources() (such as MANIFEST.MF) don't really have the same notion of 'blocked' as classes or other resources.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-03-20

Milestone Release 1.1.3 made available

The Classpath Helper project has released Milestone 1.1.3.

This completes the expected functionality for release 1.1.

There will be a 1.1.4 to include documentation updates.

Features of this release.
1. Resources on the classpath (properties files, etc) are now also viewed on the classpath (blocked and blocked diff version).
2. Got a little time with a profiler and significantly reduced memory foot print and bottlenecks. Roughly 50% memory utilization.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-02-27

Milestone Release 1.1.2 made available

Milestone release 1.1.2 of Classpath Helper has been made available.

This release addresses a few bugs, most notable is one where Java Projects (from Package Explorer) do not always have their dependencies determined correclty.

This would make it appear as though some classes where missing in the Classpath Helper view.

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-01-18

Milestone Release 1.1.1 made available

Milestone 1.1.1 has been released. This milestone finishes out the expected features for 1.1 including the following:

- Ability to disable file monitoring
- Ability to lock Java Project being selected
- Ability to jump to configuration via right-click
- Ability to filter Classpath Helper View
- Ability to request a manual refresh (via right-click)
- Bug Fixes

Posted by Bryant Harris 2006-01-01

Classpath Helper looking for suggestions for release 1.1.0

With 1.0.0 released the Classpath Helper looks to make incremental improvements to refine the usability of the first release before embarking on the 2.0.0 major release.

Use the open forum discussion to make suggestions on usability (and of course the bug tracker if any bugs are found).

The following is the initial list of features for 1.1
- Ability to disable file monitoring.
- Ability to filter the various views (to only see errors)
- Ability to configure views to be manually updated instead of automatically recalculated whenever a new project is selected.... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2005-11-14

Classpath Helper Project announces release 1.0.0

The Classpath Helper project is pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of Classpath Helper

Classpath Helper is an Eclipse based tool that visually depicts many common errors encountered in ClassLoading. Included are showing of obscured (or blocked) classes, Classes that cannot load due to unresolved referenecs, as well as direct dependencies and referenecs between jars. It can even be used to determine unreferenced jars and classes. ... read more

Posted by Bryant Harris 2005-11-12