
AVSLib / News: Recent posts

C++ runtime files for AVSLib v1.1.0 (beta)

AVSLib 1.1.0 uses a couple of Visual C++ 2005 generated plugin dlls. In order for those to be loaded the user must have installed the needed C/C++ runtime files in his/hers machine.

You can get the runtime files (free download) from
1. Enter "vc++ 2005 runtime" at the search box,
2. press Enter, and
3. go to the link pointing to:
"Download details: Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)"

Posted by gzarkadas 2007-05-15

AVSLib v1.1.0 (beta) Released

AVSLib 1.1.0 represents a major step-forward in comparison to the previous 1.0.x versions.

Many new features have been added, while a number of core filters has been implemented in C++ for increased speed (a trend that will continue). A full-featured installer has also been added.

The documentation has been updated also, in particular the "Example Scripts" section, which now contains real-life examples of developing Avisynth scripts with AVSLib.... read more

Posted by gzarkadas 2007-05-14

AVSLib 1.1.0 Update

After a rather long period of inactivity due to other undertakings, the next AVSLib version is close to release. A (stable) beta version will be available soon, when some final tweaks to documentation are finished. Stay tuned!

Posted by gzarkadas 2007-02-21

AVSLib 1.1.0 is on the way

AVSLib 1.1.0 is reaching the alpha level; development of the test-suite and documentation is on its way and a preliminary (alpha or beta) release is targeted around the start of next year's spring.

AVSLib 1.1.0 is a major rewrite of the previous version, introducing a lot of new features (despite this, scripts using the previous version will remain functional):

* A new loader, supporting dynamic pull-in of features to offer import speed for cases where a small subset of library's functionality is needed. The loader is made generic, to support other libraries also.... read more

Posted by gzarkadas 2005-12-16

AVSLib 1.0.1 (patch) released

AVSLib 1.0.1 is a patch distribution for AVSLib version 1.0.0. It addresses users that have Avisynth 2.5.6 (or later) installed on their systems.

The patch removes the special wrappers around string handling routines that AVSLib uses internally to workaround the limitations of Avisynth versions up
to 2.5.5 regarding string support, since Avisynth 2.5.6 and later offers a much more better string support than the previous versions. ... read more

Posted by gzarkadas 2005-11-02

AVSLib 1.0.0 released

The first production version of AVSLib is now available for download.

Full-featured documentation is provided both inside the release package and online at the project's homepage (

Have a nice time using AVSLib!

Posted by gzarkadas 2005-09-27

First production release of AVSLib available up to end of th

After a lot of testing and some innovative ideas during the last half of August, plans have changed and the first production version of AVSLib (1.0.0) will be released until the end of September or even sooner.

Animation functions have had a major upgrade and we can now state that AVSLib offers a general purpose multipoint (in the frame space) animator on *every* parameter accepted by Overlay (except of cource base and overlay clips and final output mode).... read more

Posted by gzarkadas 2005-09-08

First Beta of AVSLib available until the end of September

The first beta version of AVSLib (0.9.0) will be available about the end of September. The library code is now stable and ready for distribution and field testing; only minor bugs are expected to show up.
Documentation is still under construction but everyone interested to download the library modules from the avslib section of the CVS can also download the docs section; the big picture is already there, only some minor texts are

Posted by gzarkadas 2005-08-18