
eDemonOnline - ASP .NET Utilities / News: Recent posts

Project Restructuring ...

The eDemonOnline project is going through a phase of re-emerging after a long time of hyper nation!
The project is being re-structured all over. The project has been divided into three main component groups, namely: Base Components Group, Web Modules/Packages Group, and Site Integration and Development Tools. One of the most interesting results of this restructuring is the addition of the PhpDotNet project. A lot of work is needed for this project which is simply a port of the well known functions' library of PHP into the .NET framework. Any help is appreciated. The results are thought to be great for the open source community. To get a glimpse of what the project, please visit the project's CVS repository and download/view the initial four files of C# code. They should give you a good idea about the project and how it is going to progress. The work will be done progressively so once a project is at least at one stable state, work on the other projects can be initiated. If you are interested in the idea of the projects and want to know more, please visit the project's overview in the project's documentation at: or simply visit the project's summary page at

Posted by VC 2008-01-30

Documentation Available!

As a marking of the completion of the planning phase and as a proof to our commitment to provide a complete and comprehensive documentation for the project and its development phases, we started actually producing the project's documentation using the provided SF docman service. The first actuall documentation posted is the first section in chapter 1 of the documentation which will include complete information about the planning phase of the project. We believe that the inclusion of such documentation is a necessary feature for open source software to apply the concepts of transparency and public benefit especially for other developers who may find ideas within the documentation or comment on flaws of the plan which will further improve the project for the users.

Posted by VC 2005-11-03

WebClasses Libraries v0.0.1.2 Released!

This release includes real crucial updates to the last one ( The classes are almost ready to go into beta testing. The next release (v0.0.1.3) will be the last one on the alpha test if needed. The only thing remaining is exhaustive testing of features and modification of some of the constructors. The next release might just do that and might do much more. If the needed modifications were affordable, then we might go to the next step of development, the development of control specific Style Classes. Things like ParagraphStyle, MarqueeStyle, TableStyle, HeaderStyle, DocumentStyle ... etc might vome out to the light even in the next release. The development of such classes will be much easier now that the base style classes are done. These planned classes will just inherit the ElementStyle Class gaining access to its powerful features. One major feature to be added is reading in CSS text styles and converting them to appropriate style objects. This might seem easy at first, but the details of it require much time. One thing to note is that in real life, a CSS string might contain a TextStyle element followed by a FontStyle one and then another TextStyle element. This will make it hard to group the tokenized string and coping with the empty white characters and the like. We hope to implement that in the next version of the library however, so sit tight, the next release will not take long!
Please read the release notes for version to catch up with the most important changes/enhancements that this version contains over the last one.

Posted by VC 2005-10-22

eDemonOnline Website Launched

Finally I finished the graphical design and directory structure of the project's website, and eDemonOnline is finally ACTUALLY ONLINE!
The website is still not complete at all, but what's there currently outlines what will be published on the website. For everyone interested, please visit the project's website and tell me what you think!
Some of the features the website will soon have are:
1. What's new with eDemonOnline
2. The project's complete documentation including both project development, code structure and users guides.
3. Up-to-Date information on the development of the project and its subprojects
4. Release notes of all packages released by the project.... read more

Posted by VC 2005-10-21

V0.0.1.1 Released! Vital updates!

Version, The web classes library second phase is currently released under the File Release System of the project. The new version has many updates, additions and improvements to the old on (v0.0.1.0). To see what's new in the new release, download the source and look for the docs folder in the eDemon.Web project, it contains most of the new updates. Currently, all style basic classes are implemented (actually lacking one additional feature: converting styles to strings complying to CSS, which is expected to be released soon in about four days under version
However, the classes on their current form are suffecient to store all style information of any HTML element. For those in hurry, you can use them in your code (create fields of type ElementStyle for your custom controls) to store all the style information of a control!
Please report any bugs (you might find quite some!) to the projects many lists and trackers.
project administrator:
abumarsa... read more

Posted by VC 2005-10-18

Basic Base Classes now available through CVS

After a period of suspension due to connection problems, work resumes in the eDemonOnline project. As a small reminder, the project aims at creating a free .NET based framework for easily creating complicated and sophisticated websites without loosing the power of managing your site. The project includes classes and components that will help developers produce more in less time along with a set of off-the-shelf library of "packages" for the newbies and the lazy!
First of all, the project plan has been changed to amuch simpler and easier to track one. Second, the first product of this large (to-be) project is out now on the testing phase. It include classes that contains all the information needed to create CSS styles in one place. It has some value checking and the like but it still needs some work. This can be used mainly through the ElementStyle class which includes all the CSS properties of an HTML tag. The class will be used by the BseControl which will be eDemon's version of the UserControl from Microsoft. After this class is finished, work will begin with the Base Controls starting from a counter, a news flash bar, and a header, footer elements, going through complicated and fancy things like tree views and tab pages controls until the very advanced and powerfull Include and login controls. This phase might take a little longer than others, but it's worth it. For the first time, developers will have a free library of controls on the palm of their hands.
The project now resides in the eDemon directory (not CVSROOT)!
Sincerely Yours,

Posted by VC 2005-10-13