
Soupermail / News: Recent posts

Soupermail 1.0.8 released

This release brings in a whole slew of new features and bug fixes - most importantly of which is the use of MIME::Lite to generate emails, thereby slaying a log of attachment bugs.

Along with the normal mailing features, 1.0.8 also provides DBI/DBD database support.


Posted by Vittal Aithal 2001-02-07

Soupermail 1.0.8 beta 4 released

Soupermail 1.0.8 beta 4 has been released to

This release fixes many of the currently open bugs, and hopefully kills the nasty MIME problems people are having.

b4 is pretty stable an is close to release quality.
More information can be found on the help forum.


Posted by Vittal Aithal 2001-01-29

Soupermail released

Soupermail has now been released. Its largely a bug fix
on 1.0.7, with a couple of extra formatting options thrown in. One
large change is that the minimum version of Perl needed to run it is 5.004.

Many thanks to all those who submitted problem reports and ideas.


Posted by Vittal Aithal 2000-07-27

SITE: Blooms of Bressingham

The webmaster of Blooms of Bressingham just let me know that their site's live, and that they're using Soupermail.

Good luck Dom :-)

Posted by Vittal Aithal 2000-05-21