
Dynamic Probe Class Library / News: Recent posts

DPCL 3.4.4 release available

DPCL 3.4.4 for AIX is available for download. This release fixes the following bug:
1736659 - DPCL hang after processing create and terminate for parallel application on Power 4 systems with AIX installed.

If this fix is not installed, you can work around the problem by manually killing the dpcld (and sesmgr PE Benchmarker process) owned by your userid

Posted by DPCL Admin 2007-10-31

DPCL production release 3.4.2 available for download

DPCL release 3.4.2 is available for download from This release is intended for production use.

The major changes in this release are

Support for instrumentation at the block level of application source code (AIX only). See for details.

Enhancements to improve scaling and memory utilization when running DPCL on large systems.... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2005-08-09

DPCL 3.3.4 available for download

DPCL version 3.3.4 is the current production release of DPCL for AIX and
Linux as of 4/1/2004. This release is available for download from the DPCL
open source website at

This version contains the following fixes and enhancements
1) Implement inclusive instrumentation points (sorted by instruction
2) Control type checking in probe expressions
3) Unwanted files appearing when calling expand() function
4) Function call sites missing from source block objects
5) Add message size information to debug log
6) Fix runaway daemons in Load Leveler environment
7) Fix problem where closing stdin causes application disconnect
8) Fix problem with applications linked with -bmaxdata option
9) Block object missing when target application function has no local

Posted by DPCL Admin 2004-04-01

DPCL 3.3.3 available for download

DPCL version 3.3.3 is available for download from the downloads page at Install images are available for AIX 5.2 and Linux Red Hat 8.0 and later. A compressed tar file of all DPCL source is also available from that same page.

This release of DPCL contains support for authentication and authorization of users using IBM's Cluster Security Services package.

Documentation for DPCL authentication and authorization setup is located at ... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2003-10-30

DPCL Website Updated

The DPCL website has been updated with new content. This content includes a new web page describing fixes required to other software in order to use DPCL, a new web page describing some debugging tips and usage hints for DPCL, and updates to the FAQ page. These pages are all available by selecting links on the DPCL project home page at

Posted by DPCL Admin 2003-05-19

DPCL V3.2.6 Production Version Available

A new production version of DPCL for AIX has been released. It fixes a number of problems including the following

DPCL performance improvements needed

DPCL crashes when processing an application with extremely long symbol names

DPCL crashes when processing large target programs

DPCL crashes creating target processes on some Regatta processors

DPCL returns incorrect line number information for FORTRAN programs compiled with xlf 8.0... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2003-05-19

DPCL 3.2.1 and DPCL 3.2.2 Deleted

The files for DPCL releases 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 have been deleted as these releases are obsolete.

If source code at these levels is required, it can be retrieved by use of the cvs export or checkout commands, using the -r v321 or -r v322 flags respectively.

Posted by DPCL Admin 2002-04-09

DPCL 3.2.5 released

DPCL 3.2.5 has been released. The new files are available from the Open Source DPCL download web page

The following problems have been fixed:
Fixed a problem with connecting to multiple tasks on the same node

Faster reading of symbol tables in target application executable

Fixed a daemon crash caused by symbol names > 8K bytes long in target application... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2002-04-09

Probe modules for Linux DPCL

Phase 1 of the Linux DPCL probe module project has been checked into CVS. This implementation uses the same DPCL API as the AIX implementation.

Currently, the only way to get this code is to checkout the source code from the CVS repository using the default code branch and build DPCL from that source.

The major differences from the AIX implementation are
1) You must compile the probe module using at least the flags -gdwarf-2 -shared and -fpic. Otherwise the probe module will not work and DPCL may hang/fail during the probe module load.
2) All functions in the probe module are visible to DPCL, with the possible exception of static functions, since Linux does not have the concept of an exported symbol list.... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2001-12-06

DPCL 3.3.1 release available

DPCL 3.3.1 has been released.

This is a development release which supports Red Hat Linux 7.1, AIX 4.3, and AIX 5.1. In addition to AIX support, this release also removes the restriction in the Linux implementation that functions instrumented by DPCL had to be declared as static functions.

This release also includes fixes for a random crash in the Linux DPCL implementation and some portability changes.... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2001-10-19

Linux DPCL Restriction Removed

Functions which are to be instrumented using the Linux version of DPCL are no longer required to be declared as static functions.

This eliminates the need for any source code modifications to the application in order to run the application under DPCL.

At this time, this enhancement to the Linux DPCL port can be obtained by checking out the latest version of the DPCL source code from the CVS repository and rebuilding DPCL.... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2001-07-19

DPCL Open Source Release Announcement

Dynamic Probe Class Library (DPCL) has now been now released as open source!

Dynamic Probe Class Library (DPCL) is an object based C++ class library
that provides the necessary infrastructure to allow tool developers and
sophisticated tool users to build parallel and serial tools through technology
called dynamic instrumentation.

DPCL takes the basic components needed by tool developers and
encapsulates them into C++ classes. Each of these classes provide the
member functions necessary to interact and dynamically instrument a
running application with software patches called probes. Dynamic
instrumentation provides the flexibility for tools to insert probes into
applications as the application is running and only where it is needed.... read more

Posted by DPCL Admin 2001-03-14