
Free Persian Font / News: Recent posts

version 1.0.0-alpha5 is now available!

I'm happy to say Version 1.0.0.-alpha5 of Free Persian Font released. THis version is more beauty and more usable, in this release some changes happened:

*Appearence are Improved
*Some bugs in UTF are fixed
*Use of Anchors
*Use of References

now it have more better appearence in webbrowsers and documents of cource in applications.
This release available in twoform, zipped file and tarball gzipped file; you can download your favor format from Download section.

Posted by Navid 2006-11-11

New debian package

The first binary package of Free Persian Fonts just released. This binaries for Debian GNU/Linux and are ".deb" This release named : ttf-freefarsi_1.0.0alpha-2.deb and you can download from : " "

Posted by Navid 2006-02-15