
CatMDEdit - metadata editor / News: Recent posts

New version 5.0

The new version includes the following features:
- Revision of metadata profiles for dataset and services in compliance with the latest versions of the implementation guidelines of the INSPIRE Directive [1] and the Spanish Profile for Metadata (NEM) [2].
- Mechanisms to guarantee the compliance with the metadata requirements established in the previous guidelines have been improved, thanks to the online connection with the new metadata validation service from Spanish SDI (IDEE) [3].
- Changed colors of mandatory, optional and conditional icons of metadata editor.
- Fixed menor bugs (in Marc21 Import-Export features, capabilities extraction, metadata editor, etc.)
- Added new thesaurus: DroughtVocabulary, EPSG_referenceSystem_Europe, EPSG_referenceSystem_Spain.... read more

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2014-10-17

New version 4.5

The new version includes the following features:
- Graphical definition of geographic extent by means of a polygon.
- Geographic display of resources on a map.
- Integration of a tool that enables the creation of feature catalogues in conformance with the ISO 19110 standard.
- Export metadata repositories as geoRSS files.
- Connection to gvSIG in order to open the resources documented previously with CatMDEdit.
- Improvement of application usability and user interface.

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2009-05-27

New version 4.0.1

The new version includes the following features:
- Improvement of Windows Vista and Linux compatibility.
- Updating of Polish Translation.

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2008-04-08

New version 4.0

The new version includes the following features:
- Metadata edition in conformance with the "ISO19115. Geographic Information - Metadata" standard and the Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO 19115:2003, published in March 31, 2006 (ISO TS 19139 XML encoding).
- New ISO19115 Metadata Profiles added: ISO19115 Core, ISO19115 INSPIRE, ISO19115 WISE.
- New Dublin Core Profile added: it follows the guidelines for expressing Dublin Core metadata using the Resource Description Framework(RDF).
- Improvement of application usability: edition buttons relocation, added popup menus and hotkeys to make the common actions easier.
- New editor interface: metadata elements are ordered according to the standard; on-line help about the metadata elements defined in a specific metadata profile, metadata validation according to the mandatory elements defined in each metadata profile.
- Improvement of thesaurus selection
- Improvement of coordinates selection
- Definition and management of different metadata repositories.
- Automatic metadata generation for spatial series.
- New tool to import metadata from older versions of CatMDEdit.
- Improvement of the installer.
- Windows Vista compatibility.
- User Manual more detailed.

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2008-02-15

User Manual Update (v3.8.0)

Updated user manual to the last version (3.8.0).
Tranlations available: spanish and english.

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2007-05-29

New version 3.8.0

The new vesion includes the following features:
- Import and export of metadata in compliance with the ISO19139 technical specification
- Visualization of some data formats such as Shapefile, ECW, GeoTiff, GIF, JPG, BMP, PDF, HTML, ...
- Improvements in the selection of thesaurus terms
- General improvement in the ergonomy and usability of the application

Posted by IAAA Laboratory 2007-01-11