
KCheckGMail / News: Recent posts

KCheckGMail 0.6.0 released

KCheckGMail 0.6.0 is the first KDE4 release.
Enjoy it.

Posted by Luís Pereira 2010-01-14

KCheckGMail released

A new KCheckGMail (KDE3) version is out.

Google changed GMail's login procedure. This release updates KCheckGMail to work with the new login procedure. It updates both GMail accounts and hosted accounts login procedure.

Posted by Luís Pereira 2009-11-10

Back on the road

It has been some time since the last news posting, and the development had partially stalled.

So I'm proud to say that is the latest, planned, release of the over a year old 0_5_7_x branch. With this, development will now be focused on 0.5.8 which should soon (read month) be released. Both releases address some glitches which have been piling up for some time now.

There will probably be a version 0.5.9 which will introduce some changes, moving the auth and js parsing code to plugins. This will be the first step to use other, more stable, APIs to get the data.... read more

Posted by Raphael Geissert 2008-12-14

New developer, and now with SVN

It's been some time since something 'big' has occurred.
So today I'm announcing two important things:

* Luis Pereira, after sending several patches and feedback, has finally joined the team. Welcome!
* SVN is from now on our Version Control System :)

As a result of the addition of Luis to the team we'll see some nice features in the next version.

And now that we are using SVN, why not?, there are now commit notifications being sent to the kcheckgmail-development list.... read more

Posted by Raphael Geissert 2007-10-15

KCheckGMail 0.5.7 released

A new version is ready to be downloaded!

More info here:

Posted by Raphael Geissert 2007-07-24

Version 0.5.6 to be released soon

The next version of KCheckGMail will be released soon but feedback and bug reports are required.

If you wish to test the latest work done for KCheckGMail download the latest CVS snapshot from

Google Applications for Domains support is almost done.

If you want to update or collaborate with a new translation please follow the next steps: read more

Posted by Raphael Geissert 2007-03-24

New KCheckGMail Website

The new website is ready ( with a look&feel of the Noia icon theme for KDE3.

Also, a new version is going to be released soon, fixing bugs and adding some more features!

Posted by Raphael Geissert 2007-02-01

Which features do you want ?

Fixing bugs is great, but it's time to add new functionality too :)

Please leave a message in this thread about all your ideas !

Posted by Loic Pefferkorn 2005-12-20