
ripperX / News: Recent posts

Switching from SVN to GIT

The SVN repo has been imported into GIT and the SVN repo will be disabled.

Posted by tony mancill 2011-07-12

2.7.3 released

A patch release. Includes: fixes for the buffer overflow bug that has been plaguing several Linux distros, tagging for FLAC, and updated translations.

Posted by tony mancill 2010-11-13

2.7.2 released

The 2.7.2 release is now available on the download page.

Posted by tony mancill 2008-02-22

ripperX 2.7.1 released; 2.7.2 forthcoming

2.7.1 has been released, but the distribution tarball requires a few tweaks. Building 2.7.1 from the release tarball will compile against GTK2, and the new build system should clear up the issues Slackware users were having with libraries, but it will not include the latest internationalization translations. For those either use SVN, or look for 2.7.2 in the near future.

Posted by tony mancill 2008-02-12

ripperX 2.7.1 in progress

The next release of ripperX builds against GTK2, includes internationalization support, and more...

Posted by tony mancill 2008-02-03

ripperX mailing lists created

The following mailing lists have been created:

ripperx-users - general discussion about ripperX
ripperx-devel - discussion pertaining to ripperX developement
ripperx-commits - notification of commits to the SVN tree

Please subscribe and participate!

Posted by tony mancill 2008-02-03

ripperX source now available via SVN

The 2.7.x ripperX source tree is now being maintained in SVN. The source can be browsed here:

To check out the source, use the following for your SVN URL:

Posted by tony mancill 2006-12-10

2.6.6 patch release

Finally, I have local access to a Fedora Core 3 system with a CDROM device, and have been able to do some testing on that system. This patch release should address at least some of the problems with different cdparanoia on Fedora.

Also, I'm including an RPM. The .spec file is inside the source tarball if you'd like to build your own.

Posted by tony mancill 2005-06-03

2.6.5 patch release

The 2.6.5 patch release fixes a problem with Vorbis tags and a problem with calculating the amount of disk space during the ripping process. It also includes basic m3u playlist support.

Posted by tony mancill 2005-06-02

2.6.4 patch release

ripperX now supports the "toolame" layer 2 MPEG encoder, as well as lower bitrates for those who would like to encode your audio books and the like.

Posted by tony mancill 2004-11-22

RipperX 2.6 Released!

Finally! Many, many bug fixes.

Posted by Dave Cinege 2003-10-05

RipperX 2.6 in progress

Dave Cinege and Tony Mancill have taken over RipperX development. A 2.6 release is not far away, which will include many needed bug fixes but no new features.

Posted by Dave Cinege 2003-09-17