
Mailing Lists

  • wett-p2p-announce: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Announcements about WETT-P2P
  • wett-p2p-chatmgr-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing lists tracks cvs commits to ChatManager
  • wett-p2p-combat-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list tracks cvs check-ins on the combat manager module
  • wett-p2p-comm-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list will track cvs check-ins on the JXTA Communications Layer
  • wett-p2p-creature-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list tracks cvs check-ins on the creature module
  • wett-p2p-cvs-commits: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list tracks all CVS check-ins on the project.
  • wett-p2p-datamgr-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing lists tracks cvs check-ins to the DataManager module
  • wett-p2p-gui-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing lists tracks CVS check-ins to the GUI module
  • wett-p2p-mapper-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list tracks CVS check-ins to the mapper mailing list.
  • wett-p2p-msghndlr-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This list will track check-ins on the MessageHandler
  • wett-p2p-tools-cvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — This mailing list will track CVS check-ins to the tools module.
  • wett-p2p-users: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Where WETT users can exchange tips and information