
The size of adempiere client is too big

  • smile

    smile - 2009-05-12

    The size of adempiere client is too big.
    it's greater than 60M, and for some old pcs,
    it's too big and too slow, how to build a smart client?

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-05-12

      we are open to suggestions and ideas how to improve the java client.

    • Carlos Ruiz

      Carlos Ruiz - 2009-05-12

      Hi Smile,

      > The size of adempiere client is too big.
      > it's greater than 60M, and for some old pcs,
      > it's too big and too slow, how to build a smart client?

      Hmmm - last time I reviewed the download was something like 27MB (3.4.2s) - it seems current trunk is like 32MB (don't know where are the 60MB you describe).

      Anyways if that's a problem for your installation then better use the web client.


      Carlos Ruiz

    • smile

      smile - 2009-05-12

      Hi Carlos Ruiz,
        Thanks for your reply.
        Maybe,,,,, I just calculate the client size via  adempiere.jnlp, this file shows the following files are necessary,
        Adempiere.jar, AdempiereCLib.jar, CompiereJasperReqs.jar
      and, the total size is 8.7+42.9+4.6=56.2MB

        Thanks a lot.

      • Carlos Ruiz

        Carlos Ruiz - 2009-05-12

        Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster !!!!!

        You're right - how could AdempiereCLib become 42.9MB (previous version was 19.6MB)

        I looked for differences and there are LOTS of new things added - I wonder if all of those are needed:

        Is the 1.0 prefix right on the first?  It seems they're duplicated with other files below

        javax/ lots of things
        org/jboss/ lots of things

        What a bundles of garbage must be there.

        Hi out there - is anybody responsible for adding all those things?
        Are they needed?

        I guess this could be related to this problem I reported recently:

        Hmmm :-(  Again our quality control is failing.


        Carlos Ruiz

    • smile

      smile - 2009-05-12

      And, regarding the zk webui, it's too slow

      • Carlos Ruiz

        Carlos Ruiz - 2009-05-12

        > And, regarding the zk webui, it's too slow

        Not again, please  :-)

        If you think zk client is too slow please refer to this LOOOOOONG thread:


        Carlos Ruiz

        • Redhuan D. Oon

          Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-05-12

          There will be more. It is time we charge users for their expectations. Put a stop to free lunches.

          • Carlos Ruiz

            Carlos Ruiz - 2009-05-12

            Hi Redhuan,

            > There will be more. It is time we charge users for their expectations
            > Put a stop to free lunches.

            Not sure if you are referring to the jar mess or to the slowness complaint.

            So, will answer my position in both:

            If it's about the jar mess:
            My quality standards don't allow to give away garbage - even for free.
            We need quality control even for free lunches - that's my permanent fight - people tend to think that because their work is "free" we must receive and accept all sort of garbage without any quality.
            Fortunately the project people has become more consciousness about this topic.

            If it's about the slowness complaint:
            Totally agree with you   :-)
            People that hasn't contributed at all must not complain about anything - that's related to your mantra "don't blame contributor".


            Carlos Ruiz

    • Tony Snook

      Tony Snook - 2009-05-13

      I have tracked down the increase in the Adempiere client size to Rev: 6942 from the Stable Branch

      FR 2217907 Migrate from ejb2 to ejb3 - migrate to ejb3. - upgrade jboss to 4.2...

      At revision 6941 the size of   /lib/jboss.jar  is  1.2MB
      At revision 6942 the size of   /lib/jboss.jar  is  20.7MB

      Hope this helps,



      • Heng Sin

        Heng Sin - 2009-05-13


        I've committed a partial fix here:

        It is partial as it is still not the optimum size yet.


    • smile

      smile - 2009-05-13

      Hi Redhuan,

      About the complaint, i'm sorry to told you that i don't agree with you. Even have "a free lunch", people want good foods. In Open Source Code Communities, you help me and i help you, you use my codes and i use your codes, even the final users they can help you to test/debug your software.

      Thanks a lot.

      • Bayu Cahya P

        Bayu Cahya P - 2009-05-13

        On behalf of red1 (whom still having a bad line connecting to SF forum)

        Hi Smile (jet9600),

        There is difference between you and us. We identify ourselves, our works, docs, codes. Can you point to some links about you and what you did that qualifies you to say you do share your free lunch with us? Thus those who do share their 'free lunches' for you to enjoy do not speak of their own works in such tone. You will not speak in that tone if you are also a contributor. Prove me wrong.


    • smile

      smile - 2009-05-13

      > On behalf of red1 (whom still having a bad line connecting to SF forum) 

      > Hi Smile (jet9600),

      > There is difference between you and us. We identify ourselves,
      > our works, docs, codes. Can you point to some links about you
      > and what you did that qualifies you to say you do share your
      > free lunch with us? Thus those who do share their 'free
      > lunches' for you to enjoy do not speak of their own works in
      > such tone. You will not speak in that tone if you are also a
      > contributor. Prove me wrong.

      > red1

      Hi Bayu Cahya P (bayucahya),

      Yes, you are right, i don't have any share as a newbie, and i hope i can in the future. But maybe in the network, everybody eats free foods include you, notice where you got the first version of your codes, docs etc.

      Thanks a lot.

      • Bayu Cahya P

        Bayu Cahya P - 2009-05-13

        Hi Smile (jet9600)

        Do not take it as a personal attack :) We are here appreciated and most welcome to all of our upcoming contributors like you. Hopefully you can stay here still and starting to getting involved cause we are here rely on each other.

        BTW, the previous mails is coming from red1 (and not me). I am just a messenger.

        Bayu Cahya P

    • Tony Snook

      Tony Snook - 2009-05-13

      Hi Smile (jet9600),

      I would like to thank you for starting this thread.
      It made some of us look more closely at the current size of the client
      and in doing so we managed to find a problem.
      So thanks to your comment, the size of the client is now significantly reduced,
      and may still be reduced further.

      Keep up the good work.

      Best Regards,


    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-05-13
    • smile

      smile - 2009-05-15

      Hi guys,

      it seems you are working hard for this request!
      admiring! you are doing a great work!

      Heng Sin,
      you update the codes so frequently,
      are you a full-time deveoper of adempiere?


      • Redhuan D. Oon

        Redhuan D. Oon - 2009-05-15

        >are you a full-time deveoper of adempiere?


    • smile

      smile - 2009-08-03

      larger and larger the adempiere client grew, maybe it's time to import pack200 format now.
      (about "pack200" please see for details)

    • smile

      smile - 2009-08-04

      using pack200 format, the adempiere client size can be reduce to 12.1MB.
      i've implemant this feature.

      • Carlos Ruiz

        Carlos Ruiz - 2009-08-04

        Hi Smile,

        > using pack200 format, the adempiere client size can be reduce to
        > 12.1MB.  i've implemant this feature.

        Can you please open a contribution tracker and upload your work there - thanks a lot.


        Carlos Ruiz

    • smile

      smile - 2009-08-05

      hi Carlos,
      thank you very much for your invitation and the contributions you given.
      i'm sorry to told you that i cann't spend much time here because i'm too busy these days.
      but i promise i'll join you later.

      thanks a lot.


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