
Support for PostScript format (PS/EPS...)

Uros Gaber
  • Uros Gaber

    Uros Gaber - 2006-09-29


    I just found out of this library and looks great, what I'd like to know if there will be support for PS/EPS support any time soon?

    Thanks for the great work so far!

    Re, Uros

    • Hervé Drolon

      Hervé Drolon - 2006-09-29

      Postscript is a language that contains drawing commands. A PS file is not an image.
      From what I know, to convert a postcript page to an image imported into FreeImage, one would need to install a Ghostscript interpreter (as a DLL or a SO), run an external process to pilot this interpreter and tell him to render the postscript as an image.
      This is not a mechanism I would like to include into FreeImage ...



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