
Can't see other tanks on Windows

  • Gavin Dodds

    Gavin Dodds - 2002-04-12

    I've recently discovered BZFlag, having loved bz on the SGI Indy and have downloaded it for use on our LAN.  However, we don't seem to be able to see other tanks when we connect to a server.  We get a "not responding" message for each other tank after a few seconds.  Shots are visible and do damage to the tank on the server machine, but not to others.

    This happens on Win98 and Win2K.

    Any help would be gratefully accepted, sorry if this is in a FAQ somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

    Tyrion Eagle

    • Tim Riker

      Tim Riker - 2002-04-12

      Seems to be a bug in 1.7e4 server for lan play. Either run a 1.7e2 server or get the 1.7e5 server from cvs. Your 1.7e4 clients are fine.

      • Gavin Dodds

        Gavin Dodds - 2002-04-13

        Thanks, that sorted it out.

    • n/a

      n/a - 2002-04-18

      Can you point me to 1.7e5? I don't see it in the Latest File Releases list.

    • Neal Glover

      Neal Glover - 2002-04-21

      I experience this, the invisible players with bullets from nowhere, when I have my rendering settings too high.  Slower PC, P350, Windows98, Monster3D.  Almost always  repeatable.  If I turn off shadows, etc., to get the frame rate up, then rejoin the room, this doesn't happen.  Turn them back on and it usually does again.  Not saying this is directly video related, obviously not, but cpu load related?

      • Giuseppe Bilotta

        It seems to be network related, to me. If you start the server (manually) by manually specifying your IP in the -interface option, and if you set that same IP in the server option of the client, it seems to work fine even with the 1.7e4 server.

        BTW there's a Bugtracker entry for this (maybe even more than one.)


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