
Strange Language

Dave Kerr
  • Dave Kerr

    Dave Kerr - 2003-07-07

    Every now and then I do a search of Google for "ai planet" and "artificial planet" to see what comes up.  I found this site:

    And these comments:
    "jos kad bi napravili neke osnovne zakone fizike, poput mase, inercije, gravitacije, kontakta predmeta sa predmetom, njihovo odbijanje pri sudaru, naslanjanje jednog predmeta na drugi, dakle kompletna interakcija - ja bi bio najaktivniji developer tog projekta :)

    danima razmisljam da pocnem da radim na takvom jednom projektu, u pocetku sam, ali mi nedostaje potrebno znanje iz fizike i matematike, kao i vreme :("

    Anyone know what language this is?  Does anyone know the English translation?

    • Aaron Hochwimmer


      Speaking of language in ai.planet (I was just about to post)

      Alexandre posted this on glscene.general

      It's super neat - you can put in text and it'll make you a realistic sounding wav file.

      ai.planet needs some of those unreal tournament 2003 sounds if you are doing well.

      "Dominating!" :)

    • Dushan Tcholich

      Dushan Tcholich - 2003-07-08


      Language is Serbian. On that forum I found out about this project. Ruff translation:
      "and if they could make some basic laws of phisics, like mass, inertia, contact of objects, their boncing, their aligning, a complete interaction - I would be most active developer.

      I've been thinking for days to start a project like that, alone at start, but I don't have neccesery knowledge in physics and math, time also:("

      Sorry for ruff translation, it's right out the head at 5AM.


    • Dave Kerr

      Dave Kerr - 2003-07-08

      Interesting, thanks for the translation!

      I still want to integrate ODE into aiplanet.  This would give alot of good physics like collision detection.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I want to see a new animal... This one is none destructive, doesn't need alot to eat and has no preditors.  I want to see a Dave Kerr in the environment. 


      • Dave Kerr

        Dave Kerr - 2003-07-10

        Are you sure you're not getting Dave Kerr confused with the Canadian Military?  I could put both in and the results would be the same.

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Dave was concieved by the Canadian Military


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Dave vs Canadian Army: Dave wins

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Dave vs Canadian Military: Dave wins


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