
KScope on KDE4

  • Dmitry Kasatkin

    Dmitry Kasatkin - 2008-11-18


    I migrated to Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 and could not build KScope there.
    Intrepid uses KDE4 and directory structure is different and API also changed somehow.

    Is any plans to port this excellent tool to KDE4?


    • alex kern

      alex kern - 2008-12-17

      Would you accept patches,

      if any. I trying to use it (old kscope too) for a not trivial cross project, and have some ideas to improve such task.
      In the first line it will be project management.


      • Elad Lahav

        Elad Lahav - 2008-12-22

        At this moment, it's too much of a moving target, so patches may become obsolete.
        Once the code has been stabilised, I can start looking into enhancements.

    • Elad Lahav

      Elad Lahav - 2008-11-18

      There are no plans to port KScope to KDE4. There is currently a port to Qt4 under development, but it is not even close to be on par with KScope feature-wise.
      In the meantime, you can install the KDE3 libraries on your machine, and run the latest stable version of KScope.

    • kern alexander

      kern alexander - 2008-11-23

      is it possible to setup a branch for Qt4/KDE4 port. Allow us to help/develop/test the stuff.


      • Elad Lahav

        Elad Lahav - 2008-11-24

        Take a look at the SVN repository on this site. The code is under heavy development, and I haven't even announced it yet.
        Note that this is not a port of KScope to Qt4. Instead, I wrote a new application from scratch. You can start playing with it (I'm actually using it instead of KScope), but be aware that some things may be rough, features incomplete or not implemented, and the whole thing may crash on you. There's also no documentation as of yet.



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