
KonsolScript on Vista?

  • Mj Mendoza IV

    Mj Mendoza IV - 2007-05-04

    For sometime, I thought KonsolScript Engine will not be able to run because of the DX7 DLL not being supported by Vista.

    After some research, googling, and forum invasion, I found out that, even if you are logged as Administrator on Vista, you still need to Run a certain program "as Administrator" (eh, what?!?).

    This feature of Vista seem tries to protect execution of files behind the users knowledge. Meaning, it's purpose is to stop execution of suspected virus threats.

    Get your KonsolScript programs run on Vista too.

    How to Install KonsolScript on Vista
    1. Login as Administrator
    2. Go to Start Menu->All Programs->Accessories
    3. Right-Click Command Prompt
    4. Choose Run As Administrator
    5. Type-in the following:
        cd \
        cd windows\system32
        regsvr32 dx7vb.dll
    6. If all is fine... enjoy scripting!!!

    NOTE: I was using my sisters laptop with Vista Home Basic as OEM



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