
BOINC Client State File ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm trying to add a project to kboincspy , and after type in the url it still doesn't let click ok, it seems the url box wants some BOINC Client State File , what is this?

    • Roberto Virga

      Roberto Virga - 2005-11-27

      I think you're talking here about the "Add Location..." menu entry.
      It's not for adding a project, it's for telling KBoincSpy where your BOINC directory (the directory containing the BOINC client and all the related files, including the client state file, "client_state.xml") is located.
      Why does ask for a URL and not a directory? Because KBoincSpy can be used also to monitor BOINC client running on remote computers, and to access files to a remote computer you might need a URL rather than just a path. A couple of examples: suppose you want to monitor BOINC running on computer "foobar", where all BOINC files in this remote computer are located in "/home/foo/BOINC", and the only way to access to this remote host is SSH (Secure SHell), then you should pass to KBoincSpy the URL:
      Or suppose "foobar" is a Windows machine exporting the directory "SharedFiles", and the BOINC files are inside a subdirectory of SharedFiles named "BOINC", then the URL you may use to access them is:
      Similarly, you can monitor BOINC files in NFS shares ("nfs://..."), or available through WebDAV ("webdav://..."), or FTP ("ftp://..."), or HTTP ("http://..."), and so on.

      - Roberto


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