
Pls try my treo6xx edition of Diddlebug

  • Dong Baohua

    Dong Baohua - 2008-06-08

    Dear all,
       I love diddlebug, but the author has no time to continue it. I want to make some repair but I am not sure I can do it well. And I have just make some upgrade to make
    it support 600/650/680/centro with these improvements:
    1. vibrate;
    2. using game volume;

    You can download it from for I don't know how to post the file here. The article is wrote in Chinese, but you can just download the englisth/french/german version directly.

    If it help you, pls reply this message.

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-07-19

      There are two english versions there -- which is it?

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-07-19

      Okay, tried them both.

      First one has "v.2.90.d.5.B" on the About popup; the second one has "v.2.90.d.6.B".  They both seem to have the same problems as the recent release, as I describe in the Remind Me thread below this one. The Remind Me alarms are cut short.  5.B is also missing the LED and Vibrate text on the Alarm Configuration popup.

      Also, the 6.B version displays my images shifted up and to the right, distorting them.  I did not try to make any edits on the images, or add anything to the database as I was afraid that it might permanently change them.  I reverted to v.2.90.b.4 and the images were fine.

      Hope that helps.

      m a r

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-08-01

      Also, with my Treo 680, the LED is not lighting up when set in preferences.


      m a r

    • Dong Baohua

      Dong Baohua - 2008-08-01

      Thanks for your concern about diddlebug.
      The first one is the tradional one, and the second one is a 3*3 icons one (rewrite the db and needs delete the old to install the new one.)
      I'll try to find the LED problems about diddlebug.

      Thanks a lot.

      Dong Baohua

      • rogue_ronin

        rogue_ronin - 2008-08-01

        Hey, thanks for responding!

        I know that the Treo 680 has a different hardware -- it may not be possible to make the LED blink or anything -- I think you have to force the green LED on, and you may not be able to access the red one.  But you're more expert than I am.

        What is a 3*3 icons version?  I suppose I could redo my current sketches, but what does this one do?

        Most important though is the 'remind me signal' problem: why do your new versions of Diddlebug cut off the sound?

        (Try it: set your Remind Me Signal to a long sound, and set it to play every minute -- then launch an alarm.  Do NOT tap OK.  Wait for the Remind Me Signal to come one minute later -- it will be cut off.)

        The vibrate is excellent!

        Thank you for continuing with Diddlebug!

        m a r

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-08-01


      If you don't have a long sound available, set your sound to repeat a few times -- it will be cut off.  But the vibrate is NOT cut off.

      Thanks again,

      m a r

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-09-10


      Are you still there?

      m a r

    • Dong Baohua

      Dong Baohua - 2008-09-11

      Sorry for my late. I'll try it.

      The 3*3 means you have large icons in "list" mode, you can test it, but it has a different db, and you'd better to delete the old one to install the new.

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-09-11

      Got that, you mentioned it in another post.

      The big deal is the alarm problem.  Why are the repeated alarms being shortened so much?  You can't hear them because they get cut off before playing.  I described it more fully above.

      m a r

      • Dong Baohua

        Dong Baohua - 2008-09-11

        OK. I'll try to find the reason.

        • RandyHa11

          RandyHa11 - 2008-11-13

          I used this version for a while, but eventually I had to go back to b.4 because the cut off snooze alarms sounds were too easy to miss.

          I've used this software for many years, from Visor -> Treo 650 -> Centro.
          Since moving to the Centro, if I miss an alarm and all the snoozes, it will usually crash when I go to dismiss the last alarm.
          I have my phone set to auto-lock after a timeout, so it could be related to the lock happening while an alarm is pending dismissal.
          As long as I dismiss alarms, I'm usually okay -- which is why the cut off snoozes are so problematic for me.

          BTW, my Centro crashes on both b.4 and b.5 -- I just don't miss the alarms as often on b.4.

          If anyone knows of how to avoid the crashes, or how to get the snoozes to play, I'm all ears.

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-11-25

      I'm willing to try b.6 again, but I wanted to comment that I would actually pay some money if someone were to make a version with the following:

      1) vibrate
      2) blinking LED
      3) Reminder alarms are played in full
      4) color (unique for every drawing)
      5) uses Attention Manager, and sends a large image to be displayed by the popup.

      #1, #2 and #3 would probably be solved by #5.  The crashing issues and missed alarms etc are probably all related to the fact that Diddlebug doesn't play nice with alarms on OS5.  Alarms are the whole point of Diddlebug.

      Right now DB grabs the whole screen and sound system.  I suspect that it might actually be easier to make it send info to Attention Manager than fight to make it play nice with each symptom.

      I'd be okay if the IntelliBooger stuff was removed (but happy if it stayed.)  Color would be nice, but I don't absolutely need it. Exporting to .png or .jpg on the card would be excellent.

      I've been searching high and low, and the only two apps that I can find that even approximate DB are BugMe  and the original Note Pad from Palm.  The rest have all crashed my Treo 680 (Sketcher, Buzz, Maxilaris Note, etc.)

      A Diddlebug for 0S5 is worth cash-money.

      m a r

    • Yary Hluchan

      Yary Hluchan - 2008-12-16

      I just upgraded my phone from treo 600 to Centro, and also want a DiddleBug that works with a Centro. I tried d/l the file mentioned above, but it has the same problem as v2.90.d.5- the audio alarm is cut short. On my phone, the song is cut after a fraction of a second even on the first ring, not just on the "snooze" rings.


    • Dong Baohua

      Dong Baohua - 2008-12-17

      Hi, everyone.
      I fix the alarm shortage of diddlebug, there's a system bug.
      So the new version just use system only alarm( less than now). You can try it now (DiddleBug-english-20081217.prc). (this is an emergency one. only support big icons( list view). 
      after installing, please make sure that you CHOOSE ALARM PREFERENCE to select RIGTH SOUND.

      Dong Baohua.

    • Dong Baohua

      Dong Baohua - 2008-12-17

      About one or two days later I'll upload a 2.90.7 version, which solves:
      1, alarm sound too short bug;
      2, make led on (green) when alarmed;

      Thanks for everyone's advice. 
      BTW, i want to setup a new program like diddlebug but support the following:
      1, 256 color bmp support;
      2, save drawings in sd card;
      3, use attention manager; 
      Dong Baohua

    • rogue_ronin

      rogue_ronin - 2008-12-17

      Hi again,

      I'm looking forward to your new beta with the alarm sound and LED fix.

      And I would love to see your new program, especially if it builds off of diddlebug.

      m a r

      ps: there's a fellow on 1src that said he might be interested in looking at working on diddlebug, but we'll see.


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