
Restructured Naming Competition

  • Manuel Naranjo

    Manuel Naranjo - 2007-08-07

    We forgot to take into account the August long weekend and as a result
    haven't had much community participation in the voting portion of the
    naming competition so far.

    As a result we've decided to take the 5 top choices from the first

    Raya POS

    And jump ahead to the third round where everybody (developers and
    community members) will get 1 vote. This third round of voting will
    occur on Tuesday August 7th.

    For the final round we'll take the top 2-3 (depending on how close the
    numbers are) choices from the third round and hold another round of
    voting for those. Even if a single name gets a majority in the third
    round there will be a final round to allow people who haven't voted yet
    to have a say. We'll then tabulate the results and announce them on
    August 10th.

    thank you
    The devel team

    • Manuel Naranjo

      Manuel Naranjo - 2007-08-07

      There's a last minute addition: OSPos is one of the names you can choose.

    • Manuel Naranjo

      Manuel Naranjo - 2007-08-07

      My vote goes for POSeidon a really cool name :D

    • craigbass76

      craigbass76 - 2007-08-07

      I want to vote for OSPOS

    • Jamie Campbell

      Jamie Campbell - 2007-08-07

      My vote : POSper


    • Aaron Luchko

      Aaron Luchko - 2007-08-07

      My two favourites are POSeidon and POSper. With POSper I've done a fairly extensive google search and am pretty sure that it's a unique name. With POSeidon there are two possible matches (some media converter thing) and (a UML converter)

      I think we're in the clear as neither program really has anything to do with POS systems. As well Poseidon is clearly a pre-existing word. However there's also some arbitrary association issues and the Poseidon company also sells eclipse plug-ins which indicates they associate somewhat with the open source community. At the end of the day it really depends on whether they're lawsuit happy, even if we are in the clear they may just decide to sue anyways (maybe they'll be unhappy if we start hurting them in google rankings).

      I do think the probability of a dispute coming is very low but I was already about 50-50 between the names so this issue gives POSper the edge for me and thus I'm going to vote for POSper.

      One thing I'm curious about is the pronunciation of POSper, I've been pronounciating it with a soft O (as in prOsper) though it could also be conceivably be pronounced as a hard O as in pOsition.

    • FerdinanRamses

      FerdinanRamses - 2007-08-07

      Mi voto es para POSper

      • Manuel Naranjo

        Manuel Naranjo - 2007-08-07

        Ok gracias, lo traduzco para quienes no hablan inglés.

        He says he's vote goes for POSper

        Partial voting is:
        POSper     +3
        POSeidon   +1
        OSPos      +1

    • FooBar

      FooBar - 2007-08-08

      I know I'm late, but but if my vote will count, I'd definitely choose OSPos!

    • Aaron Luchko

      Aaron Luchko - 2007-08-08

      The third round of voting in completed and these are the results:

      POSper: 3 votes
      OSPOS: 2 votes
      POSeidon: 1 vote

      These three choices will be the choices for the final round. Note that so people don't have to vote again votes from the third round will still be counted in the final round. However, if you wish to change your vote you may do so. I think it should be noted that OSPOS is a very risky choice since there's already a POS system with that uses the same acronym Open Systems Point of Sale ( and we risk putting ourselves in the same trademark situation that forced TinaPOS to change its name.

      • Manuel Naranjo

        Manuel Naranjo - 2007-08-09

        I want to change my vote, sorry god of sea but.... My vote goes for POSper I'm starting to like it, but it would sound much better if called PrOSper but in that case what's the r supposed to mean? Anyway I'm with POSper.

        One last thing, In case OSPos win we can get into really serious legal issues, when I told Craig I was gonna support his proposal I didn't had into account the existence of Open System POS, anyway the name doesn't seem to be trademarked, in the case OSPos is the chosen one we will have to get in touch with those guys and see if there's any legal issue with it.


        • Aaron Luchko

          Aaron Luchko - 2007-08-09

          "My vote goes for POSper I'm starting to like it, but it would sound much better if called PrOSper but in that case what's the r supposed to mean? Anyway I'm with POSper."

          Part of the reason I like POSper is because the only google hits are typos so it's pretty easy to ensure that we aren't going to hit any trademark issues :)

    • FooBar

      FooBar - 2007-08-09

      I understand that there could be problems with OSPos, but if there would be a way to avoid these problems, I still vote for it!

    • Stefano Marelli

      Stefano Marelli - 2007-08-11

      This is my Idea:

      JSA - Java Store Appplication

      Why not?



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