
New Tutorial: mged by example

  • Paul Cobbaut

    Paul Cobbaut - 2006-02-23


    i created a pdf with some explanations and screenshots of a little project i made with mged.

    Downloadable for free here;

    Can this be useful for other people as a tutorial ?

    Tell me what you think of it ? And please point out any errors...

    pol :)

    • OniOid

      OniOid - 2006-03-03

      > Chickens give us eggs, and for this we thank them!
      > To give something back, lets make'm a nice place to sleep.
      > Keep in mind that chickens have a hierarchy in the henhouse,
      > some chickens are leaders, others are just chickens.
      > Similar to human politics, it is common for the leaders to
      > defecate on the lower beings.


      Paul, I just popped over to take a look at BRL, ran across your too-cute tute, and just had to comment.
      While cool work, and I imagine it having insight or application, all that text to get simple 3D objects made me cringe. I was thinking, "What kind of way is that to model?" ;)

      I'm here in part to see if BRL does auto-dimensioning (Seems the last time I looked, it didn't.), and how feasible it might be for Architecture.

      I can be found as a regular over at the SF project, Art of Illusion.


    • Paul Cobbaut

      Paul Cobbaut - 2006-03-03

      For one thing, i am very new to brlcad, so i'm sure my humble 'tute' is not the most efficient way of doing things.

      More efficient is to use a shell script (or perl or whatever language that can hold variables ;-) to create projects. But i have some issues with those scripts...and not enough time to work it all out...

      I'll take a look at Art of Illusion.

      pol :)


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