
use links to UI to reclassify

  • Chris

    Chris - 2004-01-23

    Is there a way to create a link that would automatically tell the HTML UI to reclassify a message?

    It seems that is should be possible to have PopFile add a link at the end of each message that says "click here to reclassify this message to bucket A", "click here to reclassify this message to bucket B", etc... The link would look something like local:8080?<some kind of params to tell the UI what to do>

    This would get us closer to "integration" with the email client.
    Of course the browser window would stay open after you're done reclassifying...

    • Michael Bierman

      Michael Bierman - 2004-01-23

      I believe this has come up and the answer is no, because you need the sessionid in the URL.

      • tOM Trottier

        tOM Trottier - 2004-02-19

        So include the sessionID too.

        This is a great idea. The only downside is the extra lines when you have a bunch of buckets. I have 14.

        I speed up choosing the bucket by having each bucket start with a different letter. No scrolling necessary, just type the letter.


    • Chris

      Chris - 2004-01-23

      Yes, that was my first guess, and I'm planning to look at the code to try and understand the need for a session ID. It seems that each message could have a "message ID", regardless of how the existing UI handles it sessions.
      Maybe this would require a new "form" type that's used only for this in-message link, but not by the UI.

      • Michael Bierman

        Michael Bierman - 2004-01-23

        Check with the developers before you do too much work.  Things may be changing in an upcoming release.


      • Scott Leighton

        Scott Leighton - 2004-01-23

        The sessionid is part of the security model. POPFile can be used in a networked environment where password protection is a requirement.

        The other thing to keep in mind is that POPFile is going to end up multi-user, so the security model will only get tighter....


    • Angus Scott-Fleming

      I'd like to see something similar - one-click
      reclassification.  It might be able to allow users to
      reclassify this way without a password and yet still require a password for other actions.

      Here's what I'd like to see:

      In the headers of my my mail I now have:

      X-Text-Classification: accepted

      I'd like to have one link for each bucket:


      That way I could reclassify a message as "spam" or
      "accepted" in one click instead of having to open the
      message's page, select the drop-down, scroll to my
      classification choice, and click [Submit].

      Comments?  Better way to do the same?  TIA for considering ...

      • John Graham-Cumming

        It would not be hard to do this (you might get a lot of headers if you had a lot of buckets), but it would be pretty easy to code it.

        Someone want to write the modifications to


        • Alec Burgess

          Alec Burgess - 2004-02-20

          Rather than provide all (say) 14 links probably only the top 'n' (configurable-default3) by probability would be required.

          With a trained corpus almost always the one I want is one of the top three choices. If its not I can visit the UI normally using the regular jump-to. When corpus is untrained visiting the UI to handle from the main page with its sorting/filtering options is probably the most useful anyway.

          Regards ... Alec

        • Michael Bierman

          Michael Bierman - 2004-02-20

          I'd like to request this be coded as an *optional* feature so that we don't all end up with so many headers if we aren't interested in this feature.


        • Manni

          Manni - 2004-03-19

          I just submitted a patch for this. Seems to work for me.


    • Angus Scott-Fleming

      At 2004-01-22 17:34 mbiersvg ( Michael Bierman ) said:

      >> I believe this has come up and the answer is no, because you need the sessionid in the URL. <<

      I just clicked the link above (which has NO sessionID) and it opened Popfile at the correct page.  I even tried this with a brand-new, freshly-restarted FireFox session so I did not have an existing sessionID to fall back upon.

      • John Graham-Cumming

        Correct.  The special jump_to_message URL will grab the session ID for you unless you have the password set in which case you'll get the password screen and then you'll get to the message you were jumping to.


      • Michael Bierman

        Michael Bierman - 2004-02-20

        session ids look like:

        That includes a sessionid built in the URL


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-03-18

      Has anyone managed to put this nice idea into practice ?


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