
Here are some more rules to consider:

  • Tom Copeland

    Tom Copeland - 2002-07-02

    The 'use equals() not ==' might be a good one.

    The 'if you override equals(), override hashcode()' is good too.


    • Tom Copeland

      Tom Copeland - 2002-07-04

      The "override both equals and hashcode" one is done.


    • Tom Copeland

      Tom Copeland - 2002-07-04

      Another good one is "unused formal parameters are a bad sign".  It's not always true, but it's kind of a code smell...


    • David Dixon-Peugh

      Unused Formals are perfectly all right, if they are
      required by the Interface (or Abstract Method) but
      aren't required.

      For instance, every SAX parser on earth will have
      trouble with this rule, as most of the parameters passed
      are fluff.

      I think Unused Formals are OK IF:
        - Formal List is not declared by an Interface
        - Formal List is not declared by a superclass

      Otherwise, they are a smell.

    • Tom Copeland

      Tom Copeland - 2002-07-10

      That sounds good.  In that case, to implement this right, we'll need to build a real symbol table, complete with fully resolved external references and types.  That's the next level, for sure....


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