
#276 ANNOYING: no logging for wrong "DRI" section permissions!

Documentation Error

Hello all,

I spent about five hours getting DRI OpenGL to work on my Dell Inspiron 5000e
with ATI Rage Mobility LF 16 MB, Debian sid, 2.4.0 final.

This could have been reduced by about two hours if the startx logging
had printed even a *single* line that I was missing the
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
stuff in the XFConfig file.
Not even in the highest debug mode (LIBGL_DEBUG, MESA_INFO, MESA_DEBUG) did it print ANYTHING.
(and yes, I did a diff -uN of both startx logs, and nothing changed)
Is this "security through obscurity" or what ?
(to not hint non-authorized users about what they have to crack or so).

BTW, the troubleshooting section in the DRI User Guide doesn't mention
this possibly missing/incorrect setting with a *single* word, too !
And every single feature in that troubleshooting section and otherwise
suggested that my DRI stuff was working, yet it was not
(Tux Racer was slow as hell). I was on the verge of going crazy,
I can tell you ;-)

I suggest this to get fixed NOW.

Thanks for the cool 3D graphics, BTW ! :-)
(although notebook graphics could be a bit better in that area)


  • Andreas Mohr

    Andreas Mohr - 2001-01-08

    Oops, sorry for submitting twice.
    It's obviously NEVER a good idea to stop a running
    HTTP request...

    BTW: apart from not mentioning the DRI permissions setting at all,
    the user guide's troubleshooting is very detailed
    and has a very linear and helpful approach IMHO.
    If only all debugging guides were that good...

  • Andreas Mohr

    Andreas Mohr - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    Closing, since this bug report is very old now and XFree86
    development has other things to worry about now (not too
    impressed, I'm afraid).

  • Andreas Mohr

    Andreas Mohr - 2004-03-16
    • status: open --> closed

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