
#867 [winfo containing] doesn't work on non-root E desktops

obsolete: 8.2b1

OriginalBugID: 2478 Bug
Version: 8.2b1
SubmitDate: '1999-08-02'
LastModified: '2000-03-07'
Severity: MED
Status: UnAssn
Submitter: techsupp
ChangedBy: sven
RelatedBugIDs: 3777 4301
OS: Linux-Red Hat
Machine: Other

John Ellson

Comments: (author of enlightenment) states:

bug in tk - motif has the same bug with dnd. basically they asume eazch
immediate chil o the root winow has on and onlyone appliation window
in it - incorrect assumption to make. xwininfo, xprop anjmd others also
suffer from thsi bad assumption. iccm oes nto forbid being able to
reparent as many client windwos as the wm likes into another window.
its badly written apps :) gtk's dnd code does it right :)

so basically the answer is ... fix tk :) (nb - it will have he same
problem with tvtwm i believe and amiwm - both are also virtal root
winow wm's)

# file "bug.tcl" illustrating "winfo containing"
# problem on non-root E desktops (and poss other WMs)
toplevel .t
bind .t <B1-Motion> {puts [winfo containing %X %Y]}

Using Enlightenment WM. "winfo containing" doesn't work on non-root

The test script generates two windows. One labelled "bug" and the other
labelled "t". If the mouse-button-1 is held down over "t"
and then dragged to "bug" you should see the window name
reported repeatedly as the mouse is dragged. (I'm trying to implement
drag&drop between windows.)

If the script is executed on desktop 1 you see ".t" and
then "" as you enter window "bug"
This is incorrect.

Somehow the mouse entry into they "bug" window is not detected
when on desktops other than 0.

If the script is executed on desktop 0 you see ".t" and
then "." as the mouse is dragged to window "bug"
This is correct behavior


  • Donal K. Fellows

    Well, some of us would contend that the problem is with Enlightenment in the first place, but that's an argument for another place and time. If anyone wishes to contribute code to fix this, something may happen. If not, it won't get fixed since it works for a great many people's desktops (including, presumably, the majority of core Tk developers since nobody's worked on coming up with a fix) and we don't feel this one to be particularly critical. (Hey, it's not *my* desktop that's got problems with this... :^)

  • Donal K. Fellows

    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2001-03-22
    • labels: 104348 --> 67. Unix Window Operations
    • summary: "winfo containing" doesn't work on non-root E desktops (and poss other WMs) --> "winfo containing" doesn't work on non-root E desktops (and poss other WMs)
  • Donal K. Fellows

    • summary: "winfo containing" doesn't work on non-root E desktops (and poss other WMs) --> [winfo containing] doesn't work on non-root E desktops
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2003-11-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jenglish