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Welcome to Open@Adobe. This site presents the definitive view into open source activities at Adobe, including details regarding projects that Adobe participates in.

In addition, you will find information that will help you get involved and keep up with the latest work in the Adobe open source community.

View Latest Updated Projects

Adobe Open Source Data Sets

Repository for publicly-available test data set...

Automated UI Tester For ActionScript Logo

Automated UI Tester For ActionScript

Functional Test Automation tool for pure AS 3.0 SWF and Flash Games

BlazeDS Logo


Easily connect to back-end distributed data and push in real-time to A


Cairngorm lays the foundations for delivering s...

Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) Logo

Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)

Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a...

Flex SDK Logo

Flex SDK

Flex is now being developed at the Apache Software Foundation

Generic Image Library

Generic Image Library (GIL) is a C++ generic li...

Malware Classifier Logo

Malware Classifier

Perform quick, easy classification of binaries for malware analysis.



Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) is an open s...

SWF Investigator Logo

SWF Investigator

Adobe SWF Investigator enables full analysis of SWF applications.

Strobe Media Playback

Strobe Media Playback is an Open Source Media F...

Tamarin Project

The goal of the "Tamarin" project is to impleme...

Text Layout Framework

The Text Layout Framework is an extensible Acti...


Tin is a C++ code library for programmatically ...


The WebKit library is used to render HTML and e...


The Adobe® Flash® Ajax Video (FAVideo) componen...


The FlexLib project is a community effort to cr...


FlexUnit is a unit testing framework for Flex a...


manjobi allows one to generate usage statistics...