


The goal of the "Tamarin" project is to implement a high-performance, open source implementation of the ActionScript™ 3 language, which is based upon and extends ECMAScript 3rd edition (ES3). ActionScript provides many extensions to the ECMAScript language, including packages, namespaces, classes, and optional strict typing of variables. "Tamarin" implements both a high-performance just-in-time compiler and interpreter.

The Tamarin virtual machine is used within the Adobe® Flash® Player and is also being adopted for use by projects outside Adobe. The Tamarin just-in-time compiler (the "NanoJIT") is a collaboratively developed component used by both Tamarin and Mozilla TraceMonkey. The ActionScript compiler is available as a component from the open source Flex SDK.


The immediate goals for Tamarin is to support a broader ranger of hardware platforms, including ARM and X64. Tamarin's longer-term goals are:
Increase run-time performance of both typed and untyped code
Development of a run-time compiler (aka eval())

Current Status

The primary source code for Tamarin is available via Mercurial at http://hg.mozilla.org/tamarin-central. The tamarin-central branch is considered stable. Ongoing development work is done in the tamarin-redux branch available at http://hg.mozilla.org/tamarin-redux. This code is licensed under the same Mozilla tri-license (MPL/GPL/LGPL) as other Mozilla code.

Documentation, build instructions, and the most recent status can be found on the Tamarin page on the Mozilla Developer Center (MDC).

Get Involved

If you'd like to help develop Tamarin, please visit the Tamarin page on the Mozilla Developer Center.

For Tamarin-related developer discussions, you can subscribe to the tamarin-devel mailing list. Tamarin discussions can also be found on the #tamarin IRC channel.


For more information, you can also review the Tamarin Project FAQ.


Adobe, Flash, and ActionScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.


The Tamarin project is independent of and has no connection with the Tamarin framework for development of Java Swing applications, created by Ben Parker. We thank Ben for his generosity in allowing us to reuse the "Tamarin" name.