
Welcome to Automated UI Tester for Adobe® ActionScript®

Automated UI Tester for Adobe® ActionScript® is a pure ActionScript 3.0 SWF automation testing tool with the capability of recording user actions on an SWF file and playing them back with high fidelity. The API for this tool is provided with name “Genie.”

Some major features of this tool are:

  • No instrumentation or application manipulation is required
  • Automate pure ActionScript 3.0 SWF
  • No source code access required
  • No need to run inside any wrapper
  • Works on web based apps and standalone SWF
  • Performs native automation (no image dependency) thus making scripts reliable and lowering down maintenance cost
  • Application can even be running in background

Unlike other automation tools, automating applications don't require instrumentation of an application or to run inside a wrapper application. Also it can automate pure Flash or ActionScript applications (e.g. Flash Games)

Please note that tool is intended to test Web Based Flash application running in browser on Desktop. It doesn't support AIR application running on Desktop or on Devices at this point of time.

Getting Involved

There are many ways to contribute to Automated UI Tester for Adobe® ActionScript®.

  • Ask and answer questions on the forums
  • Help in investigate bugs
  • Propose features and help develop them

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