

Adobe Admin Dave McAllister Mayur Kansal Cory Johns

About the BlazeDS Open Source Project

This page contains information on the BlazeDS governance model and the defines the project roles.

About the BlazeDS Open Source Project
BlazeDS Open Source Governance Model
BlazeDS Project Roles

BlazeDS Open Source Governance Model

The BlazeDS Open Source project empowers both open source and commercial developers to extend and enhance the BlazeDS and to contribute to the evolution of the project.

The BlazeDS Team governs the project as follows:


  • Project pages
  • Source code repository
  • Bug database
  • Forums and mailing lists
  • Distribution points for releases
  • Monitoring of the BlazeDS Open Source community to allow for a safe and positive community


  • Via forums and mailing lists

Promotes guiding principles

  • Respect - be respectful of the community, licenses, copyrights, IP, collaboration and interaction.
  • Quality - follow coding standards and test your code before submitting a patch or committing.
  • Openness - Collaborate and interact without being rude or offensive.

Encourages participation

  • Open bug submittal/review with voting
  • Patch submission
  • Committers
  • Open review of specifications, roadmap and schedule.

Defines and manages community roles

  • Contributor - Plays an active role in the Flex community by participating in forums, discovering and submitting bugs, providing software patches through the bug database.
  • Partial-Committer - Same role as "Contributor" plus has limited write access to the Subversion repository. Partial-committers generally contribute to documentation and other non-critical code submissions.
  • Committer - Same role as "Contributor" plus has full write access to the Subversion repository.

For more information on the project Roles, refer to the section below.

Deals with grievances

  • Sometimes the community or an individual may have a differing opinion regarding the fix or deferral of a bug or feature. Being an open source community promotes this opportunity for discussion; however, as defined in the guiding principles, we ask that the differing opinion or grievance be presented in a professional and courteous manner.
  • Sometimes, based on where the product is in the development cycle, roadmap or due to best practices, a highly voted item may be vetoed or overruled. In these particular cases, BlazeDS Product Management will be consulted and will arbitrate the grievance.

Didn't find it here?

If you have further questions regarding governance, ask on the BlazeDS General Discussion list

BlazeDS Project Roles

This section describes the various roles related to the BlazeDS project.

Project Managers

The BlazeDS project has a management committee that takes on the following responsibilities:

  • Coordinates planning and scheduling of major and minor releases
  • Manages the decision process for what enhancements and bug fixes are accepted
  • Provides community oversight to ensure guiding principles are being followed

The management committee is currently composed of Adobe employees. As the BlazeDS community matures the committee may invite non-Adobe members to become more active in the management of the project.


A contributor is someone who is playing an active role in the BlazeDS community. Contributors participate in a number of ways including:

  • Being active in forums and email lists
  • Filing bugs and feature requests on the public bug system
  • Helping moderate the bug system by noticing duplicates, adding clarifications, contributing workarounds
  • Contributing bug fixes and small enhancements by submitting patches to the public bug system

Anyone is welcome to be a contributor. If you would like to submit patches through the bug system you will need to make sure that Adobe has a signed Contributor Agreement on file. You should ensure that you are familiar with Subversion, JIRA, the Flex SDK coding guidelines, and all other information that can be found on the project website.


A partial-committer is a contributor who has been given some additional privileges, for example:

  • The ability to check in to certain areas of the source control system (e.g., resource bundles for localization purposes)
  • The ability to modify the project web site

Partial-Committers also play an important role in the product, especially those who know the product documentation well and can contribute to correcting documentation errors, or those who have some excellent sample projects to contribute.

To be considered as a partial-committer you should ensure that you've submitted a contributor agreement and then contact the Project Managers.


A committer is someone who is entitled to check code or documentation into any area of the source control system. Being a committer requires certain attributes including:

  • Knowing the product well, and not just from a technical/coding perspective;
  • Being active in forums and email lists;
  • Having a strong track record of bug fixes and workarounds;
  • Being able to work independently;
  • And most importantly, possessing good judgment when it comes to a solution, being able to code it, and making sure it benefits the community.

Committers for the BlazeDS project are primarily members of the BlazeDS engineering team. On occasion the Project Managers will determine that a particular contributor would provide great value in becoming a committer and will invite that contributor to upgrade their status.


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