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  • Posted a comment on discussion Project Support on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Hello The root cause of this message is the lack of the PHP mysqli module. If this module is missing, the installer is looking for the module manual URL inside an array called "$arrSourceURLs" - the result should be: but the key definition is wrong inside the array of the 3.5.0 code because of a typo (MySQL insteed of MySQLi). Just install the MySQLi Module on your machine and the error should no longer appear. Martin

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Three possible causes: the Nagios configuration file (nagios.cfg) still contains the paths to both configuration files - i.e. /etc/nagiosql/templates.cfg and /etc/nagios/templates.cfg (paths may differ). Only the path to the NagiosQL configuration files may still be there. the object is actually contained in two different configuration files. To check this, change to /etc/nagiosql on the command line and use this command: grep -r generic-contact * If this string is contained in two configuration...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Remember to check the correct php.ini - not CLI but web server and restart Apache after every change to the php.ini

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    It may be an incorrect setting in php.ini: Or it is due to an Apache module: It is definitely not a problem of NagiosQL but is due to the web server or the system settings that do not allow file upload (at best SELinux or other security settings). I recommend the web search with the known error parameters and the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    It can be standalone when using the ssh access to the Nagios server

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    It appears that the configuration has not been fully implemented. In particular, chapters 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in the instructions should be checked:

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    NagiosQL supports the import of existing NagiosQL configuration files. NagiosQL supports an additional configuration name for all services to group them together by this name - e.g. all services of a host. Since this parameter is not present in standard configuration files, it can be written manually before the first import into NagiosQL. For this purpose this line can be added to any single service configuration: #NAGIOSQL_CONFIG_NAME or #NAGIOSQL_CONFIG_NAME My_webserver_services...

  • Modified ticket #26 on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Can't access pickers

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2005-03-19 14:30:11


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