User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Password Tech

    I've been using PWGen for several years and got used to the following mode of usage (that I hope was correct): Before generating a password, I'd randomly move around the mouse cursor long enough for the "progress bar" at the bottom of the main window (the one indicating the expected entropy bits based on the settings) would reach 100% (assuming that this means a sufficient amount of entropy bits has been reached). Now, after PWGen has been nagging me for a while about it, I've finally upgraded to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Thank you, that helped. Sorry, I hadn't read that other thread because its title (apparently referring to an explicit error message displayed somewhere) seemed to imply too dissimilar a situation from what I was experiencing (no error message, just no indication there is any encrypted or unencrypted data anywhere at all).

  • Modified a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    For quite a while (more than a year), I have had Enigmail installed in Thunderbird (currently using 68.3.1 32 bit on Windows 10 x64). Since then, whenever I opened an e-mail I had started writing in the Drafts folder, I was asked for some password I had set up related to Enigmail, whereupon the e-mail draft would show up. A few days ago, Thunderbird asked me to update Enigmail, which I did. (Apparently, I now have Enigmail 2.1.4.) Since then, opening e-mails from my Drafts folder does not bring up...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    For quite a while (more than a year), I have had Enigmail installed in Thunderbird. Since then, whenever I opened an e-mail I had started writing in the Drafts folder, I was asked for some password I had set up related to Enigmail, whereupon the e-mail draft would show up. A few days ago, Thunderbird asked me to update Enigmail, which I did. (Apparently, I now have Enigmail 2.1.4.) Since then, opening e-mails from my Drafts folder does not bring up the password input box anymore; the e-mail drafts...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on 7-Zip

    In order to use 7z's capabilities in an application, I understand I need 7z.dll (or 7za.dll if I am only looking for support for the 7z format, which is not the case). Now, I am a bit confused about how to get the "official" version of 7z.dll. There is a download that contains x86 and x64 versions of 7za.dll, but somehow, there is no equivalent download that contains x86 and x64 versions of 7z.dll. Another thread suggests I should either build 7z.dll myself or take it out of one of the SevenZip application...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    even though the effect was stated clearly both in the dialog and the help For what it's worth, in the more recent version 2.35, the effect is stated neither in the dialog nor in the help. In fact, the option is not even mentioned on the linked help page.

  • Committed [3d512c]

    * expanded test cases

  • Committed [e66b93]

    * prepared deserialization

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Personal Data

2008-10-19 17:43:51


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