for example, i want to find all edges and nodes located on the bd "inlet" , "outlet"........
Thanks. but which command should i use to select corresponding GPU devecies?
If i have 2 GPU cards. how to exchange data with ViennaCL. Does ViennalCL support 2 GPU cards default.
Dear sir: Ii want to setup the csr matrix on GPU, which API can i use. Regards
Thanks , it works for my problems.
We can initilize the device array with many threads, but it seems this is not supproted by ViennaCL. So i want to copy the device array to a viennacl vector. how to resovle this.
Dear sir: It seems that there is no need to set the dimensions of block and grid. Could you please tell me how to dermine it in the ViennalCL. Regards
Dear Karli: It compiled and worked . I follow the "CG" section in onlin tutorial .