Activity for zsteir

  • zsteir zsteir created ticket #906

    Make attached files follow cross-reference logic.

  • zsteir zsteir posted a comment on ticket #1606

    I'll keep an eye out, but seems to have been fixed for me.

  • zsteir zsteir posted a comment on ticket #1638

    Thanks! On 28 Sep 2022, at 12:00, Christiaan Hofman wrote: status: open --> open-fixed Comment: This is fixed for the next nightly build and next release. [bugs:#1638] Template not selectable in Copy/Drag preference Status: open-fixed Group: unverified Created: Wed Sep 28, 2022 03:39 PM UTC by zsteir Last Updated: Wed Sep 28, 2022 03:39 PM UTC Owner: nobody In the "Citation Behavior" preference pane, when "Template" is selected for "Format when holding the Option key", the template choice drop-down...

  • zsteir zsteir posted a comment on ticket #1638

    Sorry, on Version 1.8.13 (6004)

  • zsteir zsteir created ticket #1638

    Template not selectable in Copy/Drag preference

  • zsteir zsteir posted a comment on ticket #1606

    huh. thanks.

  • zsteir zsteir created ticket #1606

    Crash on Quit

  • zsteir zsteir created ticket #1549

    Height of Publication list does not expand with large font on 1.7 (4900)