Activity for Zibri

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #2021

    [feature request] GLSL CRT shaders

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #2015

    yep.. now the list is full.. seems fixed in 46135. (and includes the pet me fonts)

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #2015

    for me it does not change behaviour if I run it multiple times. I installed the font it as you did. it appears in any other application including notepad.exe does not appear in vice list which contains only a few of the many fonts I have. and yes, all fonts are installed for all users but that won't matter since it's the current user that counts.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #2015

    I did the same.. and as per my screenshot only a few fonts show up... (it happens only in vice.. everything is normal in other applications) Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4170]

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #2015

    Vice windows font selection problem

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #2010

    doesn't work for me.. tried everything... I am now using 3.8 r45013 (it works in the version)

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #2010

    Monitor copy/paste broken

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #2005

    SuperSnapshot v1 and V2 don't work in VICE

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #73

    not sure if a bug or a feature request...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1995

    Track 42 does *NOT* exist!

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1993

    Track 0.5 exists and does not "bump"

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1990

    Drive speed does not affect writing.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1989

    update: after further inspection (reconverting the g64 into d64 and comparing with the original) I noticed that the copy is completely wrong even with g64.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1989

    weird bug in D64

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1958

    Windows MSYS2 compilation error

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1939

    Memory leaks? worth checking...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1929

    I never said there were "unformatted track patterns according to the drive type" please read better my post. The speculation was about the cause. THE FACT taht the emulator generates random data on a non present track is a fact and not speculation. Please read again befor attacking me as usual.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1928

    please stop moderating my messages.. it makes it difficult for other people... anyway, I made the patch I wrote in the previous comments and it works. there is NO test needed, the routine rotation_1541_simple(dptr); is just to save cpu time but it breaks compatibility. Also: it's not true that vice ignores densities. And these programs (mine and the other), just read a number of bytes using bvc/clv and then calculates the time. Trust me... do this test: in vice source: sed -i "s/ rotation_1541_simple(dptr);/...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1928

    correction: this is how it should be: if (dptr->P64_image_loaded) { rotation_1541_p64_cycle(dptr); } else { rotation_1541_gcr_cycle(dptr); } without the "simple" routine.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1928

    Update: I found the solution: in src/drive/rotation.c just execute always rotation_1541_gcr_cycle(dptr); and it works everything also with D64. if (dptr->complicated_image_loaded) { /* stuff that needs complex and slow emulation */ if (dptr->P64_image_loaded) { rotation_1541_p64_cycle(dptr); } else { rotation_1541_gcr_cycle(dptr); } } else { rotation_1541_simple(dptr); } becomes a single line: rotation_1541_p64_cycle(dptr); and the routine rotation_1541_simple can be deleted.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1928

    on the u2/u2+ this is handled correctly and there is no difference in the output if ran from a D64 or a G64...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1932

    Unrealistic handling of unformatted tracks.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1849

    I agree. I looked at the code and it would be a major rework... Well the idea to use p64 internally could solve a lot of things.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1929

    Wrong handling of non-present tracks in disk images.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #70

    Conditional compiling problem

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1928

    D64 density incorrectly managed.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1925

    it seems that also #$37 causes the same thing a c000 sei lda #$37 sta $1 jmp $c005

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1926

    if you check the program in the first post.. I wait that the last FF is written then I wait the first 5A is written then I wait the second 5A is written then i disable writing. so ** TWO** 5A must be written..

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1926

    the test program is my speed test! is exactly what it does. Please issue: poke 186,0 before running the program. The press F1. Track 36 will be created with all syncs and 2 5A inside. This works on real hardware too. I made a second version that does not trigger the bug: This because it writes 3 bytes and in this way it does not trigger U2+ and vice bugs.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1926

    something weird in 1541 writing...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1925

    Do you mind explaining to me then why at startup $01 contains #$37 and the tape runs if I press play without issuing any command? Perhaps I am wrong but I wish to know why then.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1925

    if $1 cotains #$35 the tape does not work.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1918

    the reason why this fails is that MSYS2 githib actions has a bug and svn/svnversion commands don't work in your comfigure and Makefile. I found a work-around for that. And in my version, both the 7z file both the version in the about menu is correct. The build works fine from windows.. the problem relies in github actions: specifically in: msys2/setup-msys2@v2

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1918

    yep. the version in x64/x64sc is there... it's missing from the file name. I dug into it and I understood that the same compile script that works on my own pc, does not work on github actions because of a number of reasons: one of them is that the latest version of msys2 is flawed. also the one before. but before those they all work (even if updated). another problem is a big mess with paths. I spent a couple of hours studying the problem and I ended up doing something crazy: a nodejs oneliner wrapper...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1918

    both. usually mine because your compile options don't match my needs. also x64.exe is very useful because at warp speed it goes 3 times faster than x64sc.exe (which is good) If you only included x64.exe (and fix it with the latest x64sc patches, and a stable ffmpeg, than I would have no need to use my build.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1921

    revision number still missing

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1918

    even x64sc --version gives only x64sc (VICE 3.7.1)

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1918

    Please put back the revision number in the about menu.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1917

    It is producing perfect pulses with 50% duty cycle. $20 $40 and $60 and a pause at the start of about 2 seconds (the pause is not cycle accurate) the rest is.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1917

    sources are here anyway:

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1917

    they are generating 20/40/60 in two ways: one starting putting 05 in $1 and then 0D/05 the other does the opposite. both cycle exact. and both work on a real datasette. nothing to reverse. pretty straight forward.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1917

    Tape implementation quirks...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1915

    Suggestion about tape wobbling simulation.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1620

    the problem seems gone in the latest releases... I saw no audio corruption and my settings are always the same... I didn't even reboot my pc in months.. so I don't know what it was.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1913

    Wrong default?

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1907

    1) recording audio only is not pointells but can be useful for testing many things. 2) my windows laptop is 10 times more powerful than my linux one. On linux I didn't see this problem. 3) is not my job to fix your code. I would try to do it anyways if you were more kind. But at the moment I am busy with a different project. 4) I didn't make a bug report syaing it does not work right, I am saying the audio in the video is heavily distorted. Probably I overestimated many things or this comment would...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1907

    and removing things just because you are unable to fix them, says a lot about you :D

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1907


  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1907

    so how to record a video from VICE?

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1907

    not my program to fix. nice response. It says a lot about you.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1907

    Distorted audio when recording video

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1904

    it stopped on LDA $C6 ! which has nothing to do with the watched range!

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1904

    Monitor acts weird

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1902

    so why if I put the emulator to 60hz (and my monitor is 60hz ) I still see it stutter?

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1902

    yes.. sorry for the confusion.. 60hz option. (which stes the speed to 120% too) but I used the option.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1903

    off by 1 pixel on left border

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1902

    P.S. Even setting VICE to 60hz (120% speed) it still stutters. (but way less) Apparently once every 25/50 frames.

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1902

    P.S. Even setting VICE to 60hz (120% speed) it still stutters. (but way less)

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1902

    P.S. Even setting VICE to 60hz (120% speed) it still stutters.

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1902

    emulator in normal speed. monitor in standard speed (60hz) but AFAIK, 50hz on 60hz can be shown without stuttering. for example by inserting a black frame every 5. But there are other methods too.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1902

    emulator in normal speed. monitor in standard speed (60hz) but AFAIK, 50hz on 60hz can be shown without stuttering.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1902

    the scroller in Giana Sisters stutters even on a real C64 :)

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1902

    VICE still stutters...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1899

    I checked and it seems the time the emulator is on is a factor... just run an instance of x64sc or x64 and leave it there for a few hours (or nighttime) then you will see... it happens constantly

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1899

    please reopen this. this bug affects vice since long time and should be investigated. perhaps is a memory leak somewhere.. perhaps on sid or other things (with demos it happens very often)

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1899

    the bug is present since long time and never resolved... I wantch many demos (sometimes using warp mode) and sometimes I leave the emulator in background (with warp mode on) not only sometimes the bug happens as I said, but other times when exiting windows shows a crash message.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1899

    just leave it running in the background for a while... then use turbo and reset it... it does not happen often.. only whan I work heavily with monitor and disks..

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1899

    hangs sometims when resetting with turbo on.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1891

    nevermind... I rechecked.. it seems ok... the only problem I see now is that when issuing: M 0000 the content of locations 0 and 1 don't match the real one. should I open a new ticket for this? (C:$0090) r ADDR A X Y SP 00 01 NV-BDIZC LIN CYC STOPWATCH .;e5d1 00 00 0a f3 2f 37 00100010 301 000 2869083 (C:$0090) m 0 C:0000 bf 00 00 aa b1 91 b3 22 22 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 ......."".......

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1891

    update: the bug came back in full... no matter the content of $1

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1891

    still messed up in version 3.7.1 r43952M (GTK3 3.24.38, GLib 2.76.3, Cairo 1.17.8, Pango 1.50.14) if in $1 there is #$35 and I go in monitor.. issuing BANK RAM still shows the rom.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1891

    confirmed... it seems working now...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1892

    a correction though.. this specific version never worked on the normal vice. I confused the file with another I have which works.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1892

    sourc e is the 10th anniversary collection on iirc this works on WinVice SPS version. As a few other titles work on SPS version but not on the main one.

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1892

    giana sisters original disk does not work anymore

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1891

    monitor: banks messed up.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1889

    you can close this.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1889

    nevermind... I noticed this happens sometimes when I don't clean everything before compiling...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1889

    Closing X64/X64SC window = crash

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1883

    perhaps my brain is off today, but as I recall, pressing PLAY on tape does nothing until the tape motor is started (for example issuing LOAD or SAVE)

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1883

    TAPE motor messed up.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    Another note: The above is true on RH, but 1C01 contents are different (shifted) depending on the VIA CHIP revision. I am still investigating the details making extensive tests on real hardware.

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1870

    Erata corrige to the OP: ldy #$00 loop: CLV bvc * lda #$1c0f sta ($xx),y iny bne loop I get 256 bytes of raw data. That is wrong. On real hardware you will get always the same byte (the last one read from 1C01. UNLESS, you put $X0 in $1C0B putting 0 in bit#0 of 1C0B disables 1C01 latching.. so 1C0F will reflect in real time the read byte coming from the external shift register. adding LDA #$40 STA $1C0B before the above code, makes it work on real hardware, on vice, 1c0b is just ignored. (appare...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    Erata corrige to the OP: ldy #$00 loop: CLV bvc * lda #$1c0f sta ($xx),y iny bne loop I get 256 bytes of raw data. That is wrong. On real hardware you will get always the same byte (the last one read from 1C01. UNLESS, you put $X0 in $1C0B putting 0 in bit#0 of 1C0B disables 1C01 latching.. so 1C0F will reflect in real time the read byte coming from the external shift register. adding LDA #$40 STA $1C0B before the above code, makes it work on real hardware, on vice, 1c0b is just ignored. (appare...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    what I reported is the behaviour I see on a 1541 and 1541 II. that's all. and vice does not match that behaviour.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    oh.. I forgot! THAT APPPLIES also to $180C and $1801/$180F! (it's the same chip!)

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    the latching mechanism is simple and bits #0 and #1 enable or disabe latching in both port A and B Reference: pages 5 and 8 of 6522 datasheet:

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1870

    when latching is enabled (the default) 1C01 and 1C0F contain the first received byte after the last READ of 1C01. also: with latching enabled, reading 1C0F gets you the same byte in $1C01 but it won't trigger the unlatching. with latching disabled, both addresses will give you the last received byte, no matter if you read it or not. An example: with LATCHING on: I read 1c01 and get a byte... then I distract for a few minutes(!) and read again 1c01. I will get the byte AFTER the one read one minute...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1870

    VIA PORT LATCHING is wrong.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #68

    ok.. now I filled all my source with bits(VAR,16) it would be nice to have it as a default (perhaps an option) though...

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #68

    label mix dec and hex

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1864

    also: not all addresses are affected.. you should check a dump of a 1541 or 1541 II memory to be sure.. as soon as I can I will provide one if you need.

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1864

    The reason is that the low byte remains hanging on the address bus and it's so read back (afaik)

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1867

    @ME 0123 should issue "M-E" LO HI like in most cartridges and ML monitors.. Obviusly there are other way to do that, but G 0123 is not the same because it interrupts the dos operations... so every time I have to sitch to basic (if available) and manually issue: print#15,"M-E"+chr$(35)+chr$(1) (calls $123) try for example retroreplay cartridge monitor and you will see...

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1867

    @ME 0123 should issue "M-E" LO HI like in most cartridges and ML monitors.. Obviusly there are other way to do that, but G 0123 is not the same because it interrupts the dos operations... so every time I have to sitch to basic (if available) and manually issue: print#15,"M-E"+chr$(35)+chr$(1) (calls $123)

  • Zibri Zibri created ticket #1867

    @ME command in monitor does not work and crashes the emulator

  • Zibri Zibri posted a comment on ticket #1866

    Not a bug, but the init pattern in vice does not resemble this at all. Perhaps it would be nice to have a startup ram BIN file and an option to randomize it with parameters... About the ram chips, here they are..

  • Zibri Zibri modified a comment on ticket #1866

    here we go.. after some trickery I found a way to dump the full 64K or ram before the system starts and after a very cold boot.

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