Hello Sometimes the GetPlcStatus() function returns 110 (decimal) on my CPU314-2DP and CPU315-2DP. This value is not documented is the Snap7 manual. According to Zeljko Avramovic in his post https://sourceforge.net/p/snap7/discussion/bugfix/thread/ed0da378/#a1a9, the GetPlcStatus() function can return other values than the 3 ones (0,4 o 8) mentionned in the manual but value 110 (W#16#006E) is not described. I also find strange that, when GetPlcStatus() returns 110 continously, the rich-demo Snap7...
Ok, if I add the area admin emails to the administrators list in config.in.php, they actually see the pending booking list, and can approve the request. Is there a way to have per-area booking approvers ? (and without full admin rights)
Pending bookings not displayed
Hi, We use snap7 to make cyclic ReadMultiVars function calls, reading the content of dozen of DB every 1700ms. We call that a ReadMultiVars list. Each call of the ReadMultiVars function is used to read a small (about 5 to 10) group of DB Data transfert works pretty well for a couple of hours, until it encouters this suite of errors: First, a connection timeout 11:09:17@14:37:16: [DEBUG] Using ReadMultiVars for DB list: 11:09:17@14:37:16: [DEBUG] DB: 10 11:09:17@14:37:16: [DEBUG] DB: 115 11:09:17@14:37:16:...
Is it worth to request a PDU of 960 if I plan to use Cli_ReadMultivar() as often...
Hello, What are these functions intended for?