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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    My guess is it's the database, either you dont have a database or insufficient rights on the database file or so. the error must be visible somewhere but not in php log as it occurs outside php (apache log?)

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    To enable drag'n'drop upload, enable the setting Site - 'Enable Fast Upload' . you can drag and drop any number of files in the ViewFolder' view. Make sure you increase the PHP vars 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' when you're dealing with large files.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    that's the default landing page after authentication. you can change this in the settings (Advanced - 'Site Default Page', empty by default).

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    When you install XAMPP you can choose what version PHP to install. Most likely you installed PHP 7, which causes some issues like the error lines in top of your screenshot and probably reason why you dont have the buttons. Choose PHP 5 to avoid these lines, or wait for an update.

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hi, I am looking for a way to populate the DMS with folders and document (links) pulled from another system like gitlab or sharepoint, using their APIs. The approach I imagine is to create an importer to query gitlab and based on the query results, generate folders and 'proxy documents' (dummy files with no content) with special attributes to hold lightweight data from API like gitlab ID etc. These attributes can be used to pull additional data from the provider on demand, ex when (pre)viewing. I...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hi, I am looking for a way to populate the DMS with folders and document (links) pulled from another system like gotlab or sharepoint, using their APIs. The approach I imagine is to create an importer to query gitlab and based on the query results, generate folders and 'proxy documents' (dummy files with no content) with special attributes to hold lightweight data from API like gitlab ID etc. These attributes can be used to pull additional data from the provider on demand, ex when (pre)viewing. I...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hi, I created an attribute and assigned value 0. But these are not saved (at least not shown in UI in foder view). Tried type integer and string (for docs and folders). Same effect. Non-zero values are ok. Also, what type can i use to store negative integers? Pointing me to the right php code section where the above is handled will be fine if no out of the box solution is available. Thanks a lot and love the dms more and more!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on seeddms

    Hi, I created an attribute and assigned value 0. But theese are not saved (at least shown in UI). Tried type integer and string (for docs and folders). Same effect. Non-zero values are ok. Also, what type can i use to store negative integers? Pointing me to the right php code section where the above is handled will be fine if no out of the box solution is available. Thanks a lot and love the dms more and more!

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2008-12-08 08:01:40


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