Activity for Yassine Karoui

  • Yassine Karoui Yassine Karoui posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I checked the four Tutorials and the documentation for MatContM and was wondering if I could use it to analyse my Discrete implicit Map. All the examples treat explicit cases (the new state depends only on the old state x+ = f(x-) ) My map is a poincaré section, detecting impact events. The equations are nonlinear and implicit (x+ = f(x-,x+) ) for example : c * (sin( x(n+1) ) - sin( x(n) ) + y(n) * (x(n+1) - x(n) ) - a = 0 c * (sin( x(n+2) ) - sin( x(n+1) ) + y(n+1) * (x(n+2) - x(n+1) ) +...