Quit including moc_hotkeymanager.cpp
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Philip, ASF is the container, cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio#Container_format For example: % file taglib-1.11.1/tests/data/silence-1.wma taglib-1.11.1/tests/data/silence-1.wma: Microsoft ASF % mediainfo taglib-1.11.1/tests/data/silence-1.wma | grep Format Format : Windows Media Format : WMA Format version : Version 2 I can reproduce the issue on this file (as well as on Paulo's test.wma), and the proposed fix works for me too. I'll be applying it in the Debian package.
pacpl can't handle double-quote characters in title tags
TL;DR: no it would not be a mistake to install astyle.h. I have never written a program...
Mint is a derivative of Debian and Ubuntu, so it will eventually get whatever I package...
Hi Jim, The soname should contain only the major version number (so it should be...
Hi Jim, Sorry for my silence. the 0debian2.06 thing was only meant to be a temporary...