I think Post https://sourceforge.net/p/icopy/bugs/372/#8005/8071 should be your friend!
See https://sourceforge.net/p/icopy/bugs/372/#8005/8071
Had the same issue and analyzed it. FIX: change mainfrm.vb as follows: ADD the two lines after Line 387: ElseIf chkPDF.Checked = False Then opts.ScanOutput = ScanOutput.Printer The block should be afterwards like this: If chkSaveToFile.Checked Then opts.ScanOutput = ScanOutput.File If Not My.Settings.FileAskWhereToSave Then opts.Path = My.Settings.FileSavePath End If ElseIf chkPDF.Checked Then opts.ScanOutput = ScanOutput.PDF If Not My.Settings.PDFAskWhereToSave Then opts.Path = My.Settings.PDFSavePath...
/copy commandline argument (or scanner-button-assignment) not working if standard is PDF. WITH FIX