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  • Posted a review on Win32++
  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Win32++

    Win32++ is great, I like how it doesn't hide the API but just augments it. This would be a good component to have.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Win32++

    Great project BTW. I found you can enable OpenGL following these instructions.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on OpenFVM

    Hi, OpenFVM is mostly unmaintained now. You can check ENigMA which also has a PISO solver: If you are not getting the files with 000 you are probably using the serial version. The serial version does not name the files with 000, 001, etc. that is the parallel version only for partition purposes.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    Thanks. That was the problem, it wasn't configured properly. I assumed it would pick up the library automatically.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    cppcheck 1.90 doesn't recognize Q_DECLARE_METATYPE. Isn't this in qt.cfg? <error msg="There is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If Q_DECLARE_METATYPE is a macro then please configure it." verbose="There is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If Q_DECLARE_METATYPE is a macro then please configure it." id="unknownMacro" severity="error"></error>

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    Sure. Here are some in attachment. They all have buffer overruns and memory leaks. The buffer overruns are also very different to test cppcheck capability to deal with different code. I tried to keep them simple as possible.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    That would cover the do ... while case as well? Also I downloaded 1.84 again and tested. It catches the issue as mentioned and the value flow is the same as master running with debug flag.

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2004-05-20 12:48:18


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  • OpenFVM   Last Updated:

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