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File Date Author Commit
 .jenkinsedf 2020-05-18 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [0fdc75] [#27242] limit resources usage on CI server
 astest 2022-04-01 Anthony McDonald Anthony McDonald [44163b] test cases for pressure from function for membr...
 bibc 2022-02-21 Nicolas Pignet Nicolas Pignet [18b8bd] [#31816] Fix missing Materials with Calcul
 bibcxx 2022-02-24 ZAFATI Eliass ZAFATI Eliass [fb3e60] [#31858] One implementation of dot and norm met...
 bibfor 2022-03-30 Anthony McDonald Anthony McDonald [2578fc] implementation of pressure from function for me...
 catalo 2022-03-30 Anthony McDonald Anthony McDonald [2578fc] implementation of pressure from function for me...
 code_aster 2022-02-25 Jean-Luc Fléjou Jean-Luc Fléjou [014043] [#31866] Rename PHY.CACOQU in PHY.CACOQU_R and ...
 data 2022-01-17 Stefano Cherubini Stefano Cherubini [808cd4] [#31603] Modification of test-case ssnp104 (A a...
 doc 2022-03-03 ZAFATI Eliass ZAFATI Eliass [0628b8] [#31858] update objects_datastructure
 env.d 2021-10-14 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [6ed8ff] [#31428] update support mumps versions, use pre...
 i18n 2020-04-08 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [81d2ea] [#29754] Review build scripts: LIBPATH/INCLUDES...
 mfront 2022-02-16 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [e52be0] [#31835] use MFront API in a separated process
 run_aster 2022-01-17 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [ea1ad7] [#31711] add 'run_aster --gdb' and '--valgrind'...
 waftools 2021-12-23 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f8b9be] [#31663] group installed files by high level di...
 .clang-format 2022-01-14 Nicolas Pignet Nicolas Pignet [e349ca] [#31498] Remove unused files
 .fprettify.rc 2021-12-15 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [ac6a52] [#31645] add fprettify resource file
 .gitignore 2021-12-21 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [088652] [#31645] prepare git support
 .hgignore 2021-10-18 Nicolas Pignet Nicolas Pignet [34a962] [#31497] Better managing of ListOfLoads
 .hgtags 2022-03-04 code_aster code_aster [bfb759] Added tag 15.5.3 for changeset 03eac3d09c83
 CONTRIBUTORS.txt 2021-03-23 Jean-Luc Fléjou Jean-Luc Fléjou [a317a9] [#29241] New behaviour for "Fondation_superfici...
 LICENSE.txt unknown 2022-02-10 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [446f5d] [#31804] fix typos in README 2021-12-22 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f50d2f] [#31646] continue git support
 configure 2021-12-21 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [088652] [#31645] prepare git support
 makefile 2021-12-23 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f8b9be] [#31663] group installed files by high level di...
 pyproject.toml 2022-01-19 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [b0b722] [#31702] partial fix for TableContainer created...
 waf 2020-06-12 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [e3666a] [#23037] revert default build to sequential ('s...
 waf.engine 2020-10-27 Christophe langenbronn Christophe langenbronn [0f269b] [#30378] do not call mfront translator in paral...
 waf.main 2021-03-18 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f37ee4] [#30787] improve container environment detection
 waf_mpi 2018-05-29 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f477f1] [#27707] Rename standard/sequential configurati...
 waf_std 2018-05-29 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f477f1] [#27707] Rename standard/sequential configurati...
 waf_variant 2020-10-28 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [b3a1c0] [#30390] fix argument passing in waf_variant
 wscript 2021-12-23 Mathieu Courtois Mathieu Courtois [f8b9be] [#31663] group installed files by high level di...

Read Me

code_aster source files

Home page:


code_aster repositories are moving to Git, the work is still in progress...

code_aster source files are dispatched into 3 repositories.

  • src: containing Python, C/C++,
    Fortran source files, its build scripts and most of the testcases,
  • validation: few testcase files with proprietary datas,
  • data: material datas that can not be freely distributed.

Other independent repositories exist:

  • devtools: contains helper scripts.
  • changelog: publishes the changelog of each incremental version.

Content of the src repository

This repository contains to source files of code_aster and its build scripts.

Usually the repositories are cloned under $HOME/dev/codeaster.

Branches and tags

The branches are:

  • main: The development branch where the current work goes.

  • v15: The maintenance branch for the stable versions. Only fixes are added,
    no new features.

  • v14: The branch of the old stable version. Not updated anymore.

Each published version is tagged with its number. Examples: 15.4.8, 16.0.9.

Two tags are used aliases and moved when new versions are published:

  • stable: The latest frozen state of the stable version in the
    maintenance branch (ex. 15.5.0).

  • testing: The latest frozen state of the development version in the
    development branch (ex. 16.1.0).

Two names are often used in discussions to identify the code during its

  • unstable: The head of the development branch.

  • stable-updates: The head of the maintenance branch.


code_aster needs some prerequisites.

Singularity containers are available from the website in the section Download/salome_meca.
The current version salome_meca and the prerequisites are provided in these containers.
Of course the container must be updated each time that new prerequisites are required
by the development version.

See the Installation and Development documentation and its changelog page to select
the correct image to be used.


For the version 16.1.0, the container name is salome_meca-lgpl-2021.0.0-2-20211014-scibian-9.sif.

$ mkdir $HOME/containers && cd $HOME/containers

# download and the container image (.sif) here
$ singularity run --app install salome_meca-lgpl-2021.0.0-2-20211014-scibian-9.sif

# build code_aster in the container environment
$ cd $HOME/dev/codeaster/src
$ $HOME/containers/salome_meca-lgpl-2021.0.0-2-20211014-scibian-9 --shell

Singularity> ./waf configure install

# or, with the embeeded makefile
Singularity> make bootstrap