Thanks, Srinivas! Yes, when starting the post process, Matlab crashed, or the SLURM report the out-of-memory error. I am currently using the version of R2019a Update 5 ( I am not sure the reason might come from the ultra-large distance matrix of kmeans for selecting the clusters, etc. -Meng Srinivas Rachakonda 于2021年6月8日周二 上午9:12写道: Thanks Meng. Looks like dfnc analysis went fine. Are you getting error in the post-processing step? Could you let me know...
Thanks, Srinivas! The length of the time series is 370. -Meng
Hi GIFT experts, Thanks so much to bring such a wonderful toolbox for fMRI analysis. I have successfully proceeded with ICASSO/GIG-ICA's group-ICA with large datasets (>8k subjects) via changing the memory and the format in the default file, but when I continue the (sliding-window) analysis with the dFNC toolbox, it reported the out-of-memory. I am wondering whether the dFNC toolbox supports large datasets? and how to make that work? Thanks in advance for your time! Best regards, Meng
Hi GIFT experts, Thanks so much to bring such a wonderful toolbox for fMRI analysis. I have successfully proceeded with ICASSO/GIG-ICA's group-ICA with large datasets (>8k subjects) via changing the memory and the format in the default file, but when I continue the (sliding-window) analysis with the dFNC toolbox, it reported the out-of-memory. I am wondering whether the dFNC toolbox supports large datasets? and how to make that work? Thanks in advance for your time! Best regards, Meng