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  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Thanks. If I need to do it with command, I'm using this : @ECHO OFF CLS CALL :RemoveZipRootDir "F:\_TEST2" PAUSE EXIT /B :RemoveZipRootDir FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /b ^| FIND /v /c ""') DO IF NOT %%G == 1 EXIT /B FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /a:d /b ^| FIND /v /c ""') DO IF NOT %%G == 1 EXIT /B FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /a:d /b') DO ( FOR /f %%H IN ('DIR "%~1\%%G\*.*" /b') DO MOVE "%~1\%%G\%%H" "%~1\%%H" >nul RMDIR "%~1\%%G" EXIT /B ) EXIT /B It's flexible as I only need to specify the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Thanks. If I need to do it via command, I'm using this : @ECHO OFF CLS CALL :RemoveZipRootDir "F:\_TEST2" PAUSE EXIT /B :RemoveZipRootDir FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /b ^| find /v /c ""') DO IF NOT %%G == 1 EXIT /B FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /a:d /b ^| find /v /c ""') DO IF NOT %%G == 1 EXIT /B FOR /f %%G IN ('DIR "%~1\*.*" /a:d /b') DO ( FOR /f %%H in ('DIR "%~1\%%G\*.*" /b') DO MOVE "%~1\%%G\%%H" "%~1\%%H" >nul RMDIR "%~1\%%G" EXIT /B ) EXIT /B It's flexible as I only need to specify the TopLevel...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Eventually with a check if there is a root-directory instead of the duplicate-check

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    That's a pity ! Is it difficult to add ? Seems somehow a variant of -spe without the duplicate-check. When googling I see many people searching for a solution for the same problem. Would be great !

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Hi, I have the following situation : - zip-file "AppName-VersionNumber- " - containing a top-level-dir "AppName" - which I want to unzip (command) into "AppName-x64 " - but WITHOUT the top-level-dir. I know about - -spe : eliminate duplication of root folder for extract command --> this doesn't work as the root folder is NOT identical to zip-name nor -o Dir - e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names) --> this is not useable as other SubDirs must remain. Is there no way...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Hi, I have the following situation : - zip-file "AppName-VersionNumber- " - containing a top-level-dir "AppName" - which I want to unzip (command) into " " - but WITHOUT the top-level-dir. I know about - -spe : eliminate duplication of root folder for extract command --> this doesn't work as the root folder is NOT identical to zip-name nor -o Dir - e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names) --> this is not useable as other SubDirs must remain. Is there no...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Hi, I have the following situation : - zip-file "AppName-VersionNumber- " - containing a top-level-dir "AppName" - which I want to unzip (command) into " " - but WITHOUT the top-level-dir. I know about - -spe : eliminate duplication of root folder for extract command --> this doesn't work as the root folder is NOT identical to zip-name nor -o Dir - e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names) --> this is not useable as other SubDirs must remain. Is there no...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi, thank you for the plugin. It's somehow better (especially for editing) but still not what I'm looking for : no way to copy to the clipboard without addtional right-click --> especially on tablets and smartphones this is important.

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2005-02-01 21:10:55


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