User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on A video4linux framegrabber

    So I'll wait for the github repository. Some ideas: First I'd like to correct some mistakes and omissions of the documentation or the help page (when invoked with -h), e. g. -C means do NOT open the device permanently; -H needs the "-w" switch, not "-W"; -A/-M/-E only work when they are all specified. The command line switches are quite a jumble. Look at fswebcam which mostly has long options and just a few short ones. Changing these options would break compatibility, however, which is bad. vgrabbj...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on A video4linux framegrabber

    Hi, I've just set up a simple webcam to watch some eggs hatch using an old Cubox, an old Webcam, mini-httpd and this tool, vgrabbj. I struggled with the setup a little, like all three options needed to get archiving to work, but finally it worked. Out of all options available on Debian for arm, this finally was the best due to the flexibility and small footprint. It even allows invoking a command after each frame, which I use to generate an HTML page from a template with the current time stamp. There...

  • Created ticket #25 on Lensfun

    crop factor of Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.8G

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Personal Data

2000-06-05 22:31:55


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