User Activity

  • Committed [b06950]

    HashTable files removed

  • Committed [0b0b22]

    not needed files removed

  • Committed [9c7475]

    tmp files in tmp dir (not in working dir)

  • Committed [e71bdc]

    threshold for number of hits while mapping short reads to long reads

  • Committed [125bd5]

    iterative de Bruijn graph dimension added

  • Committed [60206b]

    threshold for number of hits while mapping contigs to long reads

  • Committed [fa6dc5]

    local de novo assembling for short reads and contigs moved to cpp module

  • Committed [2d0a3f]

    local de novo assembling only for short reads moved to cpp module

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Personal Data

2015-02-27 17:56:43


This is a list of open source software projects that Wiktor Kuśmirek is associated with:

  • dnaasm set of tools for NGS data analysis Last Updated:

Personal Tools