Activity for wintertime

  • wintertime wintertime created ticket #3262

    Strange type conversions in compound assignments

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The Java creators did strange version numbering. Basically, Java 8 is short for Java 1.8 and 1.8 is less than 1.9. Therefore, get a newer version. I'd suggest Java 11 or 17 as these are LTS versions.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Mike's goal was to have everything in one repository. He put the website in The image source files should be in srcdata/ where I put them, as they would not change much (only updating the raw files many times is where git gets bloated from keeping all versions). Some replaced resources were moved to unused/, as they were committed anyway.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Mike's goal was to have everything in one repository. He put the website in The image source files should be in srcdata/ where I put them, as they would not change much (only updating the raw files many times is where git gets bloated from keeping all versions). Some replaced resources were moved to unused/, as they were committed anyway

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Mike's goal was to have everything in one rep The image source files should be in srcdata/. Some replaced resources were moved to unused/. Everything for the website is in

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi @stiangre, years ago I rescued anything still interesting from the old SVN and put it into git already. Anything left in there is only for historical purposes and I'd highly suggest staying as far away from it as possible, because there is stuff with licensing issues in there, but not much else. If you can not use git cause of the file sizes, please, make a new clean SVN!

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3232

    I'd think, fixing this now and upgrading when the release is done would be the logical way forward. Remember we have that security fix waiting still. Upgrading and changing everything to use new features would only delay the release.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Ok :) The performance problems depend on OS (mainly they had been reported on some Linux distributions) and JDK+Java startup options (they influence using different drawing and smoothing algorithms and if some call gets done on GPU with many back and forth copying images between system and GPU memory) and I think even their versions. Though, if you click on the map to move and its not redrawn immediately cause of the many layers thats already too slow IMO. This probably also slowed down the AI moves...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Ok :) The performance problems depend on OS (mainly they had been reported on some Linux distributions) and JDK and I think even their versions. Though, if you click on the map to move and its not redrawn immediately cause of the many layers thats already too slow IMO. This probably also slowed down the AI moves if you have the options activated to see all their moves and animations.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi @stiangre, just to give you some background on why the current rendering is as it is: It started with cleaning up the code and enabling a larger GUI for high-dpi monitors (wish I had put it in option menu not a command line option noone uses), then needing higher resolution images, searching the old SVN for raw source images and sadly only finding very few, then extracting what was possible including trying to recombine layers. Now I had a partial set with very many missing double sized images....

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi @stiangre, just to give you some background on why the current rendering is as it is: It started with cleaning up the code and enabling a larger GUI for high-dpi monitors (wish I had put it in option menu not a command line option noone uses), then needing higher resolution images, searching the old SVN for raw source images and sadly only finding very few, the extracting what was possible including trying to recombine layers. Now I had a partial set with very many missing double sized images....

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    In theory it should be possible already to add higher resolution versions for nearly all images. It only requires adding a second key for some use into the right config file and adding something like ".a2" to the end (might be a different letter but there is a few examples in existing config for all images where I could get a higher resolution version). The code will load both versions at init and then use the most appropriate size before scaling. Sadly the scaling code could not be made perfect...

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    You would need to modify the game code to support such a new feature. Be aware that it is not guaranteed to work, it may require 10x more memory and run 10x slower (rough guess based on number of tiles).

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    You would need to modify the game code to support such a new feature. Be aware that it is not guaranteed to work, it may require 10x more memory and run 10x slower.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    In that case more information will be necessary. If you have savegames from shortly before the crash (so it can be reproduced) or saved the freecol.log file from when it happened (so the exact error can be seen), you can open a bug ticket and attach these files.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3227

    There are a number of exceptions inside your log file from the GUI, but it seems to stop when the AI wants to do a demand. There must be a bug where the demand code divided by 0 and threw an exception.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3203

    I'd recommend Full HD for the game. It may be playable at 1024x768 or even lower, although it can get annoying to have the large panels cover the whole screen and to need to scroll, move or resize the (sub-)panels constantly.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is a limited amount of silver inside a silver mountain. That it was completely mined out when you built the road was probably a coincidence, though the road could have contributed to mining it out faster, as you get more silver for a working turn on the tile.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    Bells do not improve the town immediately, you need to collect a certain number over a few years to improve the rebel status.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    Could also be you had been too slow in visiting them, the other Europeans were faster and visited them first and spread rumors that your nation are heretics. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, if you had a log file and/or savegame/map it may help prevent the problem to appear for someone else again later.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion Help

    Well, we have some JavaDoc on the website: I doubt. anyone else here would have time to create UML charts of FreeCol, but someone may surprise us. It might help to attract new developers, but I would not bet on it.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    Well, we have some JavaDoc on the website: I doubt. anyone else here would have time to create UML charts of FreeCol, but someone may surprise us. It might help to attract any new developers, but I would not bet on it.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3199

    It is working now for me.

  • wintertime wintertime created ticket #3199

    Stopping the intro video is difficult

  • wintertime wintertime committed [f5d7a2]

    Fix minor things like JavaDoc, typo, unused stuff

  • wintertime wintertime created a blog post

    First Steps For Contributing To FreeCol Website

  • wintertime wintertime committed [32e11f]

    Add newspost about how to use Jekyll for the website

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'd suggest you report your issue with the SF site there:

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good, you could get it to work. There is a number of targets inside the file which may get useful for you, for example, clean, build, run, test. There is also some for building the manual, documentation or release packages and even more I forgot (though, some are just helper-sub-targets).

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    The ant run target is the way to start FreeCol in the IDE. The NetBeans project file is configured that way. I'd try to get IDEA to do the same (if you can not, try to look at the parameters inside build.xml to copy what you need).

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3195

    These do not happen automagically. Most times it is me reading commit-emails and then triggering them. I just triggered another. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on a wiki page

    Currently, this is a work-in-progress page in preparation for when the release happens. Please, get and use The Nightly Releases meanwhile, which contain everything mentioned above!

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    A bit late, but I looked around in the repository and there seem to be some tools: - some scripts which may be for gimp automation (beaches, borders, forests, rivers): FreeCol\bin\*.scm - some java tools, for generating forests and rivers: FreeCol\src\net\sf\freecol\tools Hope this helps.

  • wintertime wintertime committed [a44c73]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'DonWaugaman/macosx'

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on ticket #3189

    The nightlies don't automatically catch up (David intentionally made it manually and there is some brokenness with the autoupdates of GitHub master from SF), but I noticed early this time and did the necessary merge to slim branch and push of master and slim to github, to start the build (which works). You could easily do that, too.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3189

    The nightlies don't automatically catch up (David intentionally made it manually and there is some brokenness wwith the autoupdates of GitHub master from SF), but I noticed early this time and did the necessary merge to slim branch and push of master and slim to github, to start the build (which works). You could easily do that, too.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3186

    With such a problem it is best to read the freecol.log file and attach some from your testing. It gets overwritten on each game run, so do not forget to copy it. That is probably something specific to your system.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3178

    Thank you for testing and the patch. I'm not sure I understood the second paragraph completely. You just think this change would be necessary or you verified it is necessary for the current MacOS? I mean up until now, it should have ran for other people, or not cause there is so few people trying it on a Mac? Just trying to be careful, because we have no Mac developer who could test.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3183

    Yes, I just tried and I couldn't even resize it back to actually show something again, which might have been cause of the small 1366x768 screen on the laptop I tried it on.

  • wintertime wintertime created ticket #3185

    Crash on game continue

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3183

    I fixed this typo in git.5315c27f, but please do separate bug reports for each different bug next time. If you are interested in proofreading and fixing English spellings, take a look at data/strings/, where you can see all texts except for texts of mods.

  • wintertime wintertime committed [5315c2]

    Fix typo in tooltip message, BR#3183-2

  • wintertime wintertime committed [23fad3]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/github/master'

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @misiulo Please, if you make new images do them in double size (256x128 for tiles) to support map zoom and gui scaling, then also provide images downsized to standard size (128x64 for tiles). There is a way to get the game to load and use both using additional resource keys (copy the line, add .a2 to the resource key and the filename with the larger version as resource value, for example, search for: image.unit.model.unit.freeColonist.a2=resources/images/units/civilian/freeColonist_2.png

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please, research thoroughly before giving incorrect advice! @misiulo There are a number of files below the data folder. Inside these are lines consisting of resource key, equals sign and a resource value (forwarding key, special key or file name). You can find which resource keys are needed inside these files (order is data/base/, data/rules/classic/, data/rules/freecol/, then choosen mods from data/mods/. Please, take a look at data/mods/markovoss/ for an example of how to create...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You could just not prrovide the border files in your mod. Just create a single fully transparent image and use its name inside the config file for all tiles you don't want to make. Just do NOT make copies of the same image, as that would needlessly waste computer resources.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Had you restarted the game after changing the file?

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm not happy having to tell you, but you seem to be wasting your time, because of a misunderstanding in how the game processes the image files. If the files are processed with something like pngcrush or OptiPNG (Is that what you used?), they only get smaller in their packed form on disk -- not while graphics are drawn. This might marginally improve loading time the first time you start the game after rebooting, otherwise it will have no effect. To explain, this is a very high level view of how the...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm not happy having to tell you, but you seem to be wasting your time, because of a misunderstanding in how the game processes the image files. If the files are processed with something like pngcrush or OptiPNG (Is that hat you used?), they only get smaller in their packed form on disk -- not while graphics are drawn. This might marginally improve loading time the first time you start the game after rebooting, otherwise it will have no effect. To explain, this is a very high level view of how the...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I read everything, but I did not get what you actually think of seeing as a problem or what you would like to propose? Squeezing a few bytes out of some asset files can't be it, as disks get bigger and bigger? Are you sure the compression was without any quality loss?

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Help

    There might be some utilities for generating graphics in the repository, but I never tried using them and I don't know atm if there was one for the tile borders. I think, Michael Vehrs was the person making/using these.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #2049

    Just in case, if you happen to have higher resolution versions of these images -- the game would support these for zoomed in map viewing.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #233

    I remember fixing the method generating the thumbnails a long time ago. :)

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    I liked the interesting terrain from a gameplay perspective. I also imagine the mapmaker could have taken a little creative freedom in adding some mostly dried out river beds. I've never been there, but it looked roughly like what I had seen on real maps. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    I liked the interesting terrain from a gameplay perspective. I also imagine the mapmaker could have taketaken a little creative freedom in adding some mostly dried out river beds. I've never been there, but it looked roughly like what I had seen on real maps. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Sorry, I had no time to test the new maps. Though, I actually liked the current Australia map. Compared to that the current Africa map is worse (all flat, no space to high sea, no ore, huge areas of same terrain).

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Bit short on time now, but: - paths with spaces are problematic - choosing 1 was not intended by me (wrote just to type Enter and the text in the command window also said to do that if not sure), cause some Ruby gems need the extra compiler -- you were lucky it worked without (there is a way to install that later but you'd need to read Ruby Installer documentation) yeah, but its just normal .md or .html with a short .yaml header (no header=copy, header=use variables and compile) edit the main folder,...

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Reading your last paragraph it seems you never even tried to follow the steps I told back then in the mailing list. If you don't try it can never work. I just tried every step on my second computer to make sure it works. I'd like to see if you can follow this before I edit it into the manual: Installation (once): - go to then download the recommended version and install it (the Ruby people really made an effort to make that easy, so please try and just use the standard options...

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Reading your last paragraph it seems you never even tried to follow the steps I told back then in the mailing list. If you don't try it can never work. I just tried every step on my second computer to make sure it works. I'd like to see if you can follow this before I edit it into the manual: Installation (once): - go to then download the recommended version and install it (the Ruby people really made an effort to make that easy, so please try and just use the standard options...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Reading your last paragraph it seems you never even tried to follow the steps I told back then in the mailing list. If you don't try it can never work. I just tried every step on my second computer to make sure it works. I'd like to see if you can follow this before I edit it into the manual: Installation (once): - go to then download the recommended version and install it (the Ruby people really made an effort to make that easy, so please try and just use the standard options...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Sorry, I was in a real hurry this morning. What I typed was meant as search terms for the mailing list -- my posts there had been including how to install Ruby and Jekyll -- to bridge the time until I could write the documentation. I'll refer to your comments to get it more understandable, but there is a point where you have to assume some basic knowledge from a person editing code. In exchange for editing much shorter and simpler code, it is required to open a command line and type a few lines,...

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi, I'd wanted to write a small readme (maybe on weekend), but I remember posting the basics on the mailing list some time ago: It starts with cloning our git and cd, then doing a jekyll command to locally serve+open for testing, do a jekyll build and using WinSCP to upload the generated stuff in _site.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi, I'd wanted to write a small readme (maybe on weekend), but I remember posting the basics on the mailing list some time ago: It starts with cloning our git and cd, then doing a jekyll command to locally serve+open for testing, do a jekyll build and using WinSCP to upload the generated stuff in site.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Hi, I'd wanted to write a small readme (maybe on weekend), but I remember posting the basics on the mailing list some time ago: It starts with cloning or git and cd, then doing a jekyll command to locally serve+open for testing, do a jekyll build and using WinSCP to upload the generated stuff in site.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    These are really just zip files with a different file extension. If you are on Windows, install 7-zip and use the right click menu it adds to Windows Explorer. Or just change the extension. It's nice there is more activity here. Though, I'll be really busy this month at least.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    You are right. I already realized myself it's just a nigthly. Seems you were faster with triggering this one. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Using any original graphics from a commercial game will get everyone into very dangerous territory regarding copyright. Please, don't! I don't want to have to start playing moderator on here.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on discussion FreeCol

    The automatic updating from SF master seems to be broken since a long time; the travis tasks are erroring out. Manual pushes to GH master do not trigger a release, but I thought thats intentional to not have a dozen nightlies on a busy day. I triggered some nightly releases when there were interesting changes, by merging to the slim branch manually and pushing it to GH. I was about to do one for about a week, but felt I should at least try the recent changes shortly myself beforehand. I'll try to...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    The automatic updating from SF master seems to be broken since a long time; the travis tasks are erroring out. Manual pushes to GH master do not trigger a release, but I thought thats intentional to not have a dozen nightlies on a busy day. I triggered some nightly releases when there were interesting changes, by merging to the slim branch manually and pushing it to GH. I was about to do one for about a week, but felt I should at least try the recent changes shorly myself beforehand. I'll try to...

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    You can not just throw together code from different codebases in different programming languages. As for making the existing tiles prettier, it is pretty easy if you are able to create new graphics to put together a mod. There is overlays of mostly transparent border and coast tiles for creating nice looking transitions -- it is intentional that the tiles flow together. You can activate the grid from the menu or make a mod with better looking or no transitions, if you like that.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion FreeCol

    Yeah, both would be much more work than just switching graphics. Any code depending on the Map layout (which tiles connect to which others and how are the tiles numbered) would need to be changed (incompatible savegame format written/read, movement code, code for the GUI output and input). Additionally, for 3D you would have to rewrite nearly the whole client, to not use Java Swing GUI, but some 3D API (OpenGL most likely) and custom made GUI widgets.

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I recently added the missing links to many clones on the link website, but they were all abandoned. One other I found and was not sure about adding, was abandoned after 0.3, then made proprietary later.

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on ticket #3164

    Thanks for testing. I'm tempted to close as out of date, but maybe it's just difficult to reproduce?

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3164

    Visual Bug in Build Queue

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3164

    Thanks for testing. I'm tempted to close as out of date, but maybe its just difficult to reproduce?

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3172

    Colony Advisor Appending

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3114

    The git hash is above in Mikes message. As it was that long ago and you did not write another comment, I assumed you aggreed that it was fixed. I've just gone through most open bug reports and updated the ones where the tags were inconsistent with the messages contained within.

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3089

    Trading with foreign powers under war for liberty fails.

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3106

    UI bug: screen goes blank after cancelling map load

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3114

    Graphical glitches with taking land from natives

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3141

    Unit icon updated, but not actual selection

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3166

    Game freeze when trying start new and closing a running server on game options page

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3115

    This is related: Someone commented there he did some bisecting on the bug and found the commit.

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3117

    Can't Unload in Europe

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3119

    Not able to sail from europe if not active

  • wintertime wintertime committed [0588fe]

    Add missing links, link types and en lang attribute to website

  • wintertime wintertime committed [7adb7c]

    Update sitemap to have new Art section

  • wintertime wintertime committed [affb85]

    Convert 0.4.0-RC release news to Markdown, as there were no list tags

  • wintertime wintertime committed [edd6d4]

    Fix links in roadmap webpage, using updated links from 0.8.0 release news

  • wintertime wintertime modified a blog post

    FreeCol XXE Vulnerability Fixed

  • wintertime wintertime created a blog post

    FreeCol XXE Vulnerability Fixed

  • wintertime wintertime committed [a07644]

    Add news about fixed XXE vulnerability to website

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3018

    Looks like I missed this question. IIRC, back then, when searching about our fullscreen problems, I read that windows not contained in the main JFrame (i.e. JDialog) are unsupported in fullscreen mode, according to Java spec. I also found some comment somewhere by someone complaining that it was working up to some Java version and accusing the Java devs that they "intentionally broke it".

  • wintertime wintertime modified ticket #3118

    Darkening terrain graphics error

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3118

    I implemented the missing part now in git.45dca3e0. Settlements and their labels should also be influenced by fog of war now. Doublechecking if everything is looking alright would be nice, though. ;)

  • wintertime wintertime committed [45dca3]

    Reimplement fog of war for settlements and their labels, fixing BR#3118-2

  • wintertime wintertime modified a comment on ticket #3155

    My theory would be: The default is starting with selectable national advantages. When getting to the screen for choosing nations you might have accidently changed your advantage and therefore started with the other units. We'd need a savegame to verify this, though. As noone else had this problem for a long time, I guess this could be closed as invalid?

  • wintertime wintertime posted a comment on ticket #3155

    My theory would be: The default is starting with selectable national advantages. When getting to the screen for choosing nations you might have accidently changed your advantage and therefore started with the other units. We'd need a savegame to verify this, though.

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