User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #417 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    I'll just have to stick with v1.4.1 as they have already reverted back to it (because 1.5.1 didn't work). They don't seem interested unless someone else does it. Regarding my D-pad, it's actually detected as Axis events and doesn't work in the GUI, only the Analogue stick works which feels weird when using it to play Spectrum games and trying to navigate the menu is a nightmare as it moves too fast, better to use the keyboard. You can't map Axis in the GUI controls either, only buttons. It wouldn't...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #417 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    v1.5.0 may work but RetroPie will have to update their setup script as I don't know how to manually do it. RetroPie has been on v1.4.1 for a while now and then tried updating to v1.5.1 which didn't work as seen here :- Also, who updates the GUI for the Raspberry Pi version ? I can't use the D-Pad on my controller (as it's an Axis and not buttons), I can only control using the Analog stick. This means I can't even map it...

  • Created ticket #417 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    FUSE doesn't work anymore on RetroPie

  • Created ticket #119 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    Ability to change Menu button on joypads on Raspberry Pi

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    Is there or can there be a Windows version of this ? So I can batch check all my RZX files for errors. Or a pre-built Binary for the Raspberry Pi as I don't know how to compile it.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #218 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    City Slicker (1986) (Hewson Consultants) (8EBF845E)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #218 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    Yeah, for 'Echelon' I had to turn off 'detect loaders' and manually press play or, quickly insert Side B before the Tape Loading Error otherwise it doesn't load. Here's a few more :- Blood Brothers (1988) (Gremlin Graphics Software) [a] [48-128K] (9B7A4D9E) Moon Strike (1987) (Mirrorsoft) (Side A) (EB8884EC) Powerplay - Game of the Gods (1988)(Players Software) [128K] (A441819D) Any alternate versions of games i've mentioned may also have trouble loading.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #218 on Fuse - the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator

    These various different loading schemes don't load with all (Default) Fastloading options on. Compendium - Shove a Sledge + Tiddly Drinks (1987) (Gremlin Graphics Software).tzx (CRC32 = B6C90409) Compendium - Snakes & Hazards + X-Mas Ludo (1987) (Gremlin Graphics Software).tzx (2399EF98) Joe Blade II (1988) (Players Software).tzx (3CA2566A) Zanthrax (1989) (Crash).tzx (D53741A1) Basil - The Great Mouse Detective (1987)(Gremlin Graphics Software)[48-128K].tzx (147E9A98) (Works on ZXSpin) Echelon (1988)...

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2016-04-22 12:02:47


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